
What is sadness?????

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What is sadness!

Is it the longing for something that we never had ? (or)

The longing for the something we earlier had ? (or)

Is it nearly just the myth of uncertainty? (Also)

If we r not feeling sad, r we actually feeling happy?




  1. Thats a really deep question.

    It could be all of the above, it could be different for everyone, and sometimes it is caused by a hormone imbalance in our bodies.

  2. Actually,,,all of the above...

    But for me,sadness is the feeling that can't be explain but can be felt in such ways that we feel left alone,broken hearted....etc...

    But the most specific meaning of this is the feeling that is really created or felt because of happiness...because we all know that all things in this world have an opposite if we don't have sadness,we will not have happiness...

    And last,this is the feeling that makes our heart feel like squeezed and our tears will automatically fall,and that's chemical reaction...

    No one knows,all i know is...its is Chemical Reaction and Natural Feeling...get my point?...

    Ok,i hope,that'll help...

    take care always and goodluck to your life...=)

  3. Sadness if a chemical reaction generated by a minor or extensive collapse in the bio immunity system. Trauma, shock and adversity occur as part of life. How its affects a person is dependent upon the nature of the trauma relative to the resilience and strength of the emotional and physical immunity systems ability to protect and react in counteracting any assault upon its delicate make up.

    Something that causes a minor superfluous annoyance when you are in a strong positive mood may cause immeasurable long term harm to your mental outlook and thinking.

    Hence a lowered immunity causing vulnerability exposes the individual to hurt, pain and sadness that at other times may pass unnoticed.

    If you find you are walling is sadness or melancholy assesses your physical state, dietary deficiencies, whether the situation or lackluster circumstance warrants such an excessively emotional debilitation. Mastery of ones will, in order to gain complete control of ones, mood reaction to life, thinking and desires is the objective.

    Moos susceptibility and swings are symptomatic of other causal affecters occurring within the mind or body. Man is able to literally think himself happy, if he has faith in his ability to do so.

  4. for me, its when you have a memory and no one to share it with.

  5. Happiness can be long standing or fleeting.  It Can be likened to both a seedling or a huge tree.  It has a few roots or many, depending on the surface of it.  It is everything you mentioned.  I think it is suffering based on needs/ wants unmet.

  6. Sadness is the inability to accept your current mental, physical, or emotional status conciously or subconciously as something positive. Whether it be the absence of one thing or the presence of another. Furthermore, Buddha accepted sadness as a state of transition from happiness, and was happy for that state of transition. Because without moments of sadness there would be know way to compare your current mood to define whether you were happy or not.
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