
What is safe to give a nursing mama cat for diarrhea?

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Mama cat had babies apx 3 weeks ago. Now has bad diarrhea. Have given her lactic acid for good bacteria to no avail. This has happened in her last litter too. Vet put her on metrodazinole but her kitten was over 4 weeks old and I have read not supposed to give to nursing mama cats. She does not have parasites or anything that I am aware of. TY for your help!




  1. if you are feeding her cows milk, stop.

    i would bottle feed. give mom a break. let them stay with her, just pick them up one at a time while they are nursing. mom wont have to do as much.

    vet will show you how to bottle fed, bottle and formula are at stores like wal mart.

  2. you might have to start bottle feeding kittens until mama kitty is better. Then when she is better let the kittens nurse again.  

  3. It maybe something to do with nursing vs over eating. Does she eat like crazy and seems always hungry??

    I would feed her only a diet of premium quality dry food like Iams or Science Diet. Feed her the kitten biscuits in this range as it has more calories and fat which will help her stay in condition while nursing.

    Dont give her cows milk, and stop all wet foods for a few days while you see if the dry only has effect.

    The kittens should be old enough to start soft kitten soon in a week or so, so try to keep her nursing if you can. This is way better for the bubs than any formula you can buy.

    If Mum cat seems depressed or physically ill, take her to the vet...

    (If her diarrhea is watery and she is off her food take her straight to the vet.)

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