
What is salvia and what kind of drug is it?

by  |  earlier

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I smoke weed....and I saw them selling salvia at ocean city. It looks like weed to me but, it was legal so it couldnt be. My friend said that its like legal lsd (acid) but idk can i get a point of view from someone whos smoked it and knows?




  1. I smoke weed too man!

    Salvia is like weed. They're trying to make it illegal now. It causes hallucinations. I never tried it but I want to.

  2. It totally sucks.  I wish I never did it.  It's like a bad trip and then you feel like **** for the next few hours.  Not only that but you make a total *** out of yourself for the short few minutes it lasts.  Just go to YouTube and search for salvia, you'll see.

  3. It is legal. You can buy it at any smokeshop.

    Supposedly it makes you hallucinate... but the high doesn't last long... only a couple of minutes which is kind of a waste if ya ask me.

  4. OOHH!!!

    its an herb

    After 3 hits your trippin

    hold in each hit for 30 seconds and d**n your trippin.

    Make sure you have yourself a sitter to watch you cause it gives your crazy hallucinations.

    It lasted me about 10 minutes but felt like 2 hours

    Only take it with someone their

  5. taste's horrible and you don't always get a buzz of it.

    Better off staying with weed (much better)

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