
What is sanity????????

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What is sanity????????




  1. not bouncing on the walls  

  2. ...not hurting yourself or others when you go OFF!!!...

  3. having a normal speed of thoughts

  4. Sanity is that undefinable characteristic clung to by society. We can define madness as something far from the status quo, yet our definition of sanity is a hazy, formless cloud just beyond our grasp. Upon sight we can identify madness in a person yet we can never seem to pinpoint the exact characteristic which defines sanity to us.  We are unable to find anything specific to tell us what and what is not sanity.  Society gives us a list of "symptoms" of madness yet where is our list for the sane? There is no list because we do not truly know what is sanity. Society hopes for everyone to be sane, it is ideal but there is no ideally sane person because everyone has a little madness in them.  We all wish to attain that which we do not know. Sanity is the thing to which we cling, hoping to never lose.

  5. You keep your marbles when the going gets rough, as the society would define it.

    I'd say being yourself is sanity.  That is, loyalty to your character.

  6. the opposite of insanity which is whatever you want it to be, its all in the eye of the beholder, like i think its insane that people drive cars so sane for me is people walking and riding bikes, but to someone else it could be the opposite, for there to be sanity there always has to be insanity or else we wouldnt need the word. hahaha  

  7. Sanity is participating in the philosophy section and ask and answer questions of general interest like you have asked.
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