
What is sanity?

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What is sanity?




  1. Sanity considered as a legal term denotes that an individual is of sound mind and therefore can bear legal responsibility for his or her actions. It is generally defined in terms of the absence of insanity. It is not a medical term, although the opinions of medical experts are often important in making a legal decision as to whether someone is sane or insane. It is also not the same concept as mental illness. One can be acting under profound mental illness and yet be sane, and one can also be ruled insane without an underlying mental illness.

  2. seriously,,,,,Its something that doesnt exist anymore

  3. Rational coherence in thought processes and speech. Accurate relativity of subjectivism and Objectivism. A calm peaceful demeanour interrupted by the acknowledged realisation of negative forces disturbing ones mental equilibrium and peace.

  4. Something that you DONT have when you decide to have kids

  5. [1:1]

    "A clean and noble sense of humor."

    "Faith, Hope and Love."

    "Adhering to the word of God."

    Praise be to God.


    "Never let truth or mercy leave you,

    bind them about your neck,

    write them on the tablet of your heart."  - Proverbs 3:3

    Thank you for your question. (John 17:17)

  6. Sanity is what people of this world deem to be sane. Supposed rational thoughts. But then how much of what anyone does is rational even something as simple as emotions doesn't seem like rational thinking.

    As an entire species we are probably all insane to some extent.

    It's like what was said in The Mist

    As a species, we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up reasons to kill one another. Why do you think we invented politics and religion?

  7. sanity comes up when you use both hemispheres of the brain simultanousely.

  8. All the above answers are rather relevant to the time and culture in which you live. What may be viewed as sane in one time or place may be judged totally insane in a different one.

  9. Healthy mind.

  10. A mythical state none of us can achieve as long as we have some of those irrational fears, phobia and paranoia

  11. sanity is believing in what is assumed to be real by the eyes of the world and not believing in unusual things that cannot be explained and are not accepted by civilisation e.g: alien abduction - cannot be proven and is not accepted such as religion or superstition is.

  12. Weeell, the experts will probably show you a bell curve or something, but I like to define it as responding rather than reacting.

  13. Saniety is the opposite of sanity.

    Sain is the lack of insanity which is being menatlly ill.

    Thus, if called sane, it means that there is no mental illness that oould make you do things that you if you were lacking sanity.

  14. Lack of imagination.
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