
What is satellite radio. Does it work everywhere.?

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What is satellite radio. Does it work everywhere.?




  1. We have XM on one of our motorcycles and Serius in one of our trucks. Both systems rock. We have travelled across country on the bike and no problems except in tunnels / deep canyons (I'm talking deep) where there's no way we'd get anything else either.

    All across the US we get satellite radio; rural, cities, God forsaken places, you name it.

    I have to agree with the above sounds like Kendra got a poor installation job. Hers should come in everywhere and have excellent sound quality.

  2. It is a type of radio where you buy the device, then you have to pay for a subscription to the channels. The device doesnt do much without the suscription (alot like a TV without cable or dish). Baisically, the music comes to your radio via satallite hence the name Satallite Radio.

    No, it doesnt work every where and if you dont live in a big city i wouldn't recommend buying one. I live in a suburb of a fairly big city in California and get really bad sound quality with my Sirius Satellite Radio.

    See if you can find someone in your area that has one, to find out how well it works in your area.

  3. Satellite radio is a subscription radio service with over 100 channels of News, Talk, and other entertainment programs. It works everywhere, but in some places if you don't have direct line-of-sight to the satellite or a terrestrial transmitter, then the signal will be lost. It is more than worth it and I highly recommend it.

  4. I have sirius and get great reception everywhere.  I frequently drive from Southern CA to Northern CA through rural areas and the reception never changes.  I also go to Yosemite and the only time the reception is poor is when I am surrounded by many trees.  I can't get any other radio stations anyway.  I am not sure what Kendra is talking about.  Her equipment must be poorly installed or she may need to remove her regular radio antenna.

  5. xm works in the us and canada.  I have it and I love it.

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