
What is savila?

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are there side effects to using it




  1. Savila is Aloe Vera in Spanish.

  2. Salvia....most people love it, I did it once and nearly lost my mind...I don't advise s******g around with hallucinogens

  3. SALVIA is a herb that is smoked, it is LEGAL.  dont listen to that fool that says it is deadly because that is the stupidest thing i've ever heard.  no one has ever died from salvia use, just as with marijuana.  salvia is smoked, or it can be chewed, or make into tea, but smoked is the most common.  it is a psycoactive, and produces very intense hallucigenic experiences.  i have had friends say that they felt like they were a roller coaster, and their arms were attached to the bars and they could only move with the tracks.  ive had other friends saying that they were a blanket, and they laid down on top of someone else to be their blanket.  just as with any psycoactive, ive also seen people freak out while on it.  it can go right or wrong.  ive never heard of any side effects.  all of my friends have said its very interesting, definetly worth a try at least once, most of them have only done it once.  

    smoking is best done out of a bong, a piece is usually to hot to get enough.  you're supposed to take one massive hit, and hold it in for at least 30 seconds.  thats usually enough to get u going.  it comes in strengths, 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60, 100, etc.  20 is probably a good starter.  salvia should not be mixed with marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, pregnant, driving, operating heavy machinery, or anything.  take it in pure, and make sure u have a SOBER sitter.  

    my personal experience, me and my friend took a piece and smoke an entire gram each, doing our best to take massive rips and hold it a while.  NOTHING happened.  that was with 10x.

  4. wow, to the first person, you definitely cant die of it. Its a pyschoactive plant that when you smoke, will give you an LSD like trip for like 15 minutes. It increases heart rate, and most people that have experienced with it, have reported a sense of well being after it. dont worry, try it. there's nothing bad about it, it might be a little harsh on your lungs though

  5. I think you mean Salvia, and it'll make you trip. It's a herb people smoke, many times smoking a concentrated form of the drug. I'm not sure you'd consider that a side effect unless you're trying to cure your headache or something (lol). Here are some of the effects, postive and negative:


        * short duration (when smoked)

        * radical perspective shifting

        * increase in sensual and aesthetic appreciation

        * creative dreamlike experience

        * insight into personal issues


        * powerful open and closed eye visuals

        * general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)

        * altered perceptions

        * change in body temperature, flushing

        * sensation of physical push, pressure, or wind

        * sensation of entering or perceiving other dimensions, alternate realities

        * feeling of 'presence' or entity contact

        * dissociation at high doses, walking or standing


        * overly-intense experiences

        * fear, terror and panic

        * increased perspiration

        * possible difficulty integrating experiences

        * higher doses can cause inability to control muscles and maintain balance: falls are reported.

        * mild to moderate headache, usually starting after effects wear off

  6. My friend did it, and he said it was the worst ten minutes of his life.

    And its "Salvia" not "Savila"

  7. yes, there are side effects, even death! don't try it. it is just a cheap way to get high - but you are taking the risk that you might die. it is serious! anyone who wants to sell it to you is only in it for the money - they don't care if you live or die.

    okay idiots - one last time - you can die from salvia, just like alcohol, and other drugs. people who are hallucinating don't make the best decisions. you don't know how old the person is asking this question. you might have just told a 13 year old that  it's okay to go get drugged out of his mind, since,after all, it's legal.
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