
What is seaweeds?

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what r the seaweeds these r really very good for health ..from where can i buy it specially in united arab Emirates





  1. Harshal: You should always cite your source, which turns out (in this case) to be Wikipedia:

  2. Seaweeds consist of several groups of multicellular algae: the red algae, green algae, and brown algae.

    As these three groups are not thought to have a common multicellular ancestor, the seaweeds are a paraphyletic group. In addition, tuft-forming bluegreen algae (Cyanobacteria) are sometimes considered as seaweeds.

    Seaweeds are popularly described as plants, but only red and green algae belong to the kingdom Plantae.

    They should not be confused with aquatic plants such as seagrasses (which are vascular plants).

    Food from sea weed -

    Seaweeds are extensively used as food by coastal peoples, particularly in East Asia, e.g. Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam, but also in Indonesia, Peru, the Canadian Maritimes, Scandinavia, Ireland, Wales, Philippines, and Scotland, among other places. Tiwi, Albay residents discovered a new pansit or noodles made from seaweed, which has health benefits.

    It is rich in calcium and magnesium and the seaweed noodles can be cooked into pansit canton, pansit luglug, spaghetti or carbonara.

    In Asia, gim (in Korea) and nori (in Japan) are sheets of dried Porphyra used in soups or to wrap sushi.

    Chondrus crispus (commonly known as Irish moss or carrageenan moss) is another red alga used in producing various food additives, along with Kappaphycus and various gigartinoid seaweeds.

    Porphyra is a red alga used in Wales to make laver and laverbread, made from oats and the laver, is a popular dish in Wales.

    Seaweeds are also harvested or cultivated for the extraction of alginate, agar and carrageenan, gelatinous substances collectively known as hydrocolloids or phycocolloids.

    Hydrocolloids have attained commercial significance, especially in food production as food additives..

    The food industry exploits the gelling, water-retention, emulsifying and other physical properties of these hydrocolloids. Agar is used in foods such as confectionery, meats and poultry products, desserts and beverages and moulded foods.

    Carrageenan is used in preparation of salad dressings and sauces, dietetic foods, and as a preservative in meat and fish products, dairy items and baked goods.

    Alginates enjoy many of the same uses as carrageenan, but are also used in production of industrial products such as paper coatings, adhesives, dyes, gels, explosives and in processes such as paper sizing, textile printing, hydro-mulching and drilling.

    Brown algae as sea weed -

    The Phaeophyceae or brown algae, (singular: alga) is a large group of mostly marine multicellular algae, including many seaweeds of colder Northern Hemisphere waters.

    They play an important role in marine environments both as food, and for the habitats they form.

    For instance Macrocystis, a member of the Laminariales or kelps, may reach 60 m in length, and forms prominent underwater forests.

    Another example is Sargassum, which creates unique habitats in the tropical waters of the Sargasso Sea.

    This is one of the few areas where a large biomass of brown algae may be found in tropical waters.

    Many brown algae such as members of the order Fucales are commonly found along rocky seashores. Some members of the division are used as food for humans.

    Now for your next question - Is it healthy ?

    Sea weeds are good as food items and are non fattening and rich in minerals and Iodine .

    But there is nothing to go Ga Ga over them .

    There are many healthy food items from land plants .

    You will get them in any big store that sells sea food products .

    And if you do not get it . There is nothing to be disheartened about it !!

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