
What is secondlife?

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is it a internet online game? please tell me about it




  1. Its an online avatar where you make your character, give him a career, house, etc. Its OK, not my preference. But I do know its an MMORPG, which means you can interact with other players.

  2. It's an online 3D community in which you can chat with other users.

    Think of IMVU, but with more locations.

    It is NOT a game, but a chat room.

  3. second life is a virtual community It's not a game or just a chat It's a program that you log into and use as you like some people log onto second life to chat only and others use it as a portal to a world unlike their own a world where their imaginations can run wild Some of these imaginative people build in second life everything that you see and do. the actual program itself if no people were on it at all would be a very boring place see the makers provide the world of second life with the land and the sea and the sky basically that is it everything else is created by the players users that's right the players so if you happen to find yourself in a cool looking dance club, that club was created by somebody just like you someone who loves to design dance clubs other players go there to make real incomes by creating items that are wanted or needed by other players and sell them to them in virtual stores for example say you want to go around the game shooting people well you would first need a gun that can cause people to go flying off into space right well so you go to a gun store and buy one you purchase it using in game currency called lindens which you can get by winning dance competitions or such and the person who created the gun will then collect those game monies until they are ready to convert them to real currency using a sort of currency exchange program that is game   :)ava06

  4. Its a dumb game that lets you have a virtual life and lets you fly and stuff. It really hard to use and its cram-packed with viruses and hacks. It shut my computer down so we had to get a new one
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