
What is self determination worth?

by  |  earlier

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Know your worth.

Push yourself.




  1. Oh being a Mom is a determination of just what you are made of yes push push push, labor and more labor! I'm not talking about child birth, but after( the child is born) it is still push push push till you can't , and then surprise you still are!If your a mom you have to --you have children, that you have lovingly created, and you will push yourself to the ends of the world for them!


  2. ...your dreams to reality...enjoy...

  3. to me it depends on the individual. I think for my own self determination and self worth I happy to have the experiences that if I encounter something similar I can deal with  

  4. it has no value, it's beyond value, it's life itself. without it your just a robot and a puppet.

  5. My self-determination is crucial to who I am and its worth is of the highest value. I can take a goal from thought into action and accomplishment with my self determination.

  6. You can't know the outcome untill you have attained it, you may well spend your efforts and gain nothing but pain as each cause is different. If this is a known market and you have a commodity of worth to others then you can put a price, not untill you have a known quotient.

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