
What is s*x all about?

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im Bianca, i just use this acount of my friend. im still single at my age 17, im already college student, but still i cant find a right guy for me. my question is why is it that many girls now are already experience in s*x? even though they are not in the right age... at my side im afraid of having a boyfriend maybe because i dont have bf since birth..what if i already have a bf it okey if i give my verginity on him? to satisfy him! guys please answer me...




  1. s*x refers to the male and female duality of biology and reproduction. Unlike organisms that only have the ability to reproduce asexually, many species have the ability to produce offspring through meiosis and fertilization. Often, individuals of the two sexes attract one another and communicate their readiness to procreate through biological changes, or, in social species, through courtship behaviours.

    An organism's s*x is defined by its biological role in reproduction, not according to its sexual or other behavior. The female s*x is defined as the one which produces the larger gamete and which typically bears the offspring. In contrast, the male s*x has a smaller gamete and rarely bears offspring. In some animals and many plants s*x may be assigned to specific structures rather than the entire organism. Earthworms, for example, are normally hermaphrodites.

  2. You're still young. Save yourself for the right one, at the right time, and at the right circumstances.

    It's better to wait than to have regrets.

  3. it's up to you...are you feeling sexily aroused? may your guy's erect p***s be inserted into your v****a? now get jiggy and start chatting him will feel the s*x drive and you can now hug, kiss and cuddle......nakedly!......Grrrrrrrrrr......

  4. Nowadays it's so hard for kids like you to have parents telling them what to expect,so we're thankful that we have the internet now.To tell you the truth i had s*x when I turn 20,it wasn't to please my BFnor satisfy him,never! cuz some of them just don't deserve that.They don't know how to respect a sensitive thing like that.Also don't do it because ur friends said so, or cuz the're already doing it.You need to take your time to know urself, what you want in life and who you would like to live it with.  

    It's a heavy thing to think about, but s*x isn't just about two people — there are lots of rules and laws about s*x that you should be aware of.You may get carried away and forget about contraception or sometimes a condom can come off or split. If you ever find yourself in this situation, you need to ask for advice about emergency contraception,you can go to your doctor or clinic and ask for help. They can prescribe the pills for you without telling your parents. Remember that you can take emergency contraception pills up to 72 hours after you have s*x, but act as quickly as you can.

    I think at this age,you need to have a gyneco to explain you about the procedure,and how to deal with a lot of stuff.

    I want you to check these sites:

  5. That's ENTIRELY up to YOU. It's YOUR Body; Your feelings; & Your Heart- that you're giving up to another person. And NONE of us has the Right to tell YOU what to do with them. The "Right" thing to Do in this case- is whatever YOU want... NOT your Boyfriend, not your Bestfriend- YOU. And whether you decide to have s*x Now- or 30 years from now, it's only YOUR Choice, that matters. ALWAYS satisfy Yourself- first. Good luck!  :)
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