
What is shareware, details please!?

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What is shareware? Like a good definition.




  1. A simple one okay. Basicly ware that is shared by other users of computers. Like limewire if you ever used that. People upload music onto that so others can download them and share it.

  2. Shareware is software the author allows you to use with the promise that if you use it beyond a trial period you agree to pay them. There are often other stipulations in their end-user license agreement (EULA) that you may have to agree to as well. The idea is that if you don't like it and stop using it you didn't have to pay for it. The down-side is that there are a lot of dishonest people that won't ever send a check. Shareware has mostly given way to software that disables itself after a trial (e.g. 30 days) period.

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