
What is she trying to do!! =S..?

by  |  earlier

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Well i met this guy in May time. I ended up liking him, fell for him, he drifted away. Now i know alot of the reasons he drifted away, the main reason being the fact that he has a girlfriend now and has for some time.

I found this out when she started this week constantly ringing my phone on a withheld number. She would tell me to leave her boyfriend alone etc. I would constantly ask who her boyfriend was and she would never say. The calls got really annoying but she ended up telling me last night that she was the girlfriend to the guy i liked. She then told me alot of stuff he has told her about me && stuff i have told him with confidence!!...I hate him for this and i think that really was the last straw for getting over him, i'm hurt but i know i'm better off without holding onto something which is never going to happen!

The point to this story is...last night she told me who her boyfriend was and i told her i wont be seeing him again etc but its really bugging me the fact that she has been persistantly ringing today with nothing new to say. What am i supposed to do...not like i am going to see him again so why can't she back off...Why do you think she is still ringing...because i really have no idea =|

Sorry for the essay =)




  1. i think she must be very insecure if she keeps ringing you and i also think that maybe they deserve eachother as im afraid they sounds like twats. i think you should change your number and tell her how childish she is being. if this is not an option then just stop answering the calls, she'll get bored soon.

    he seems like a complete t**t and i hope you meet someone that deserves you who is alot nicer!

    good luck, hope iv helped. :)

  2. ummm cause you were messing around with her boyfriend.. and shes mad... find your own man.

  3. You're the only one she can really get at in order to get rid of her anger. You know, sort of like you're mad at your mum but can't really have a go at her so you go after your little sister? Yeah so she's going after you cause she can't confront her boyfriend for whatever reason- it's misplaced blame.

  4. it sounds like the guy is very weak and his gf is wanting to take control of him. seriously if i were you i'd leave them both alone. tell the girl who keeps ringing you to go away and say that you don't even like him anyway! there are such better guys out there. ones that ren't controlled by someone else!

  5. she's annoyed at you and its easier than punchin you.

  6. What she is doing is harrassing you and you could file a compliant with the  police about her

  7. Shes probably jealous that he liked you,

    Just ask her why she keeps ringing you and would she please stop, else ring the guy up and ask him if she could stop ringing you,

  8. If you like him then you should stay in touch with him but If it's not going to work out then just apologize to her if you are in the wrong and if she accepts your apology then it's ok.  If the phone calls keep showing then you should call the police and she will be seen as harrassing you.

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