
What is shocker??????????

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On Chelsea Latley Chelsea Handler said something about shocker and said to google it and i still didn't find anything XD so what DOES it mean?




  1. The shocker is a hand gesture with a sexual connotation. The ring finger and thumb are curled or bent down while the other fingers are extended. The index and middle fingers are kept together (touching) and the back of the hand faces outwards (away from the gesturer).

    The gesture refers to the act of inserting the index and middle fingers into a v****a and the little finger into the unwitting a**s, hence the "shock". Because of its explicit sexual connotation, the shocker is sometimes considered vulgar. Occasionally, the thumb may be positioned so that it may stimulate the clitoris. Mnemonic rhymes are used in order to remember its meaning, including "two in the pink, one in the stink" and "two in the goo, one in the poo".

    The shocker is generally referred to as being "given," "thrown up," "delivered," or "popped" rather than "shown", as with "the finger".

  2. at my school its was an ingredient that they add to the slushies to make it really sour

  3. in college, alotta kids pose with this...

    its means two in the pink, one in the stink

    represented by showing three fingers, your pinky, main and index. Your thumb holds the ring behind the palm.

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