
What is shortwave radio?

by  |  earlier

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Could I listen to foreign language radio from the west coast of the US on a shortwave radio? I'm interested in French and Spanish.




  1. same as longwave radio only shorter!

  2. I  got my short wave radio from Camden Town in London about 4yrs ago.It's all people had back in the 1920's 1950' set me back 50 quid,daylight robbery,it is a nice 1950'sBush though.i can listen all over Euroupe and as far as Russia.But you might just get Mexicans,but don't they speak Spanish

  3. This site will answer all of your in depth questions about shortwave radio , ,especially how to improve reception of long distance SW signals.

  4. Short wave radio has the ability, particularly at night, to travel long distances round the globe.  So it's always worth tuning to see what's on.  You will need a long aerial however to get the best of it.

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