
What is silver used for?

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what is silver used for in todays society?

answer A.S.A.P




  1. jewelry rings,chains,bracelets,watch bands,very little "silverware" is actually made from silver but nickel ,also for bullets to kill werewolves

  2. Jewelry and decorative items.  It is sometimes used as an antibacterial agent.

  3. you find silver as you see it around a lady's neck, it is not very reactive so people use silver as jewellery and with very reactive elements.

  4. whatever you see that looks silvery and is EXPENSIVE, it's silver.

  5. silverware....

  6. Silver is used for many things.  Jewelery, coins, electronics, silverware, art, and I am sure there are others I can't think of at this moment.

  7. At one time the largest use of silver was photographic film. (I used to work for the largest company in the business).

    Silver for solder has moved up in significance since lead based solder is unacceptable.

    We use less silver for silverware mostly because we have switched to stainless steel. Even snobs use stainless now.

  8. Besides jewelry, table settings and table service, it's an ancient, popular material valued for ornamenting almost anything that will accept it.

    Today it's also a popular solder base for certain applications.

    As I recall it also might have some function in precipitating other metals from solution; but I might be confusing it with mercury or something else.


  10. Money and in electronics .

  11. For making silver ornaments and silverware.

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