
What is silviculture? Is it related to any other science?

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When it started as a separate branch of science?




  1. Silviculture is the art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet diverse needs and values of the many landowners, societies and cultures over the parts the globe that are covered by dry land.

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  2. It is a specialised sub branch of the science of forestry.

    It is a comparatively New Branch of science.

    Silviculture is the art and science of cultivating forest crops as distinguished from Silvics which deals with the study of the life history and general characteristics of forest trees and crops, with particular reference to environmental factors as basis for the practice of silviculture.

    Silviculture is the oldest conscious application of the science of ecology and is a field recognized before the term ecology was coined. Many ways of governing the development of forest stands rest heavily on cuttings and other treatments that alter or modify the factors of the stand environment that regulate the growth of the vegetation.

  3. Silviculture is the art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet diverse needs and values of landowners, society and the many cultures throughout the globe. Related to Applied Ecology and Forestry Management

    Silviculture is the oldest conscious application of the science of ecology and is a field recognized before the term ecology was coined.

    It was not until the early 1600's when wood scarcity and the decline in land productivity became an important resource issue across much of Europe. Modern silviculture was therefore born out of necessity to develop restoration techniques for sustaining the productivity of woodlands and forests. It is interesting to note that no matter what time period or where in the world forests are located, they are usually exploited first, and then after resource depletion silvicultural restoration is developed, and this is still going on throughout most of the world today.

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