
What is simple radical form.?

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It says to solve a quadratic equation with the quadratic formula in simple radical form?




  1. Simplest radical form means simplifying a radical so that there are no more square roots, cube roots, 4th roots and such left to find. It also means removing any radicals in the denominator of a fraction.

    For example, look at √8

    Since 8 = 4 * 2

    √8 = √(4 * 2)

    Since 4 = 2 * 2 it is a perfect square. So take the square root of that number, and thereby take it out of the radical. In other words,

    √2 * √2 = 2

    So then:

    √8 = √(4 * 2) = √2 * √2 * √2

    = 2√2

    When you solve a problem using the quadratic formula, you are being asked to use this type of method of simplifying.  

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