
What is size difference between the .44 magnum and the .44 special can't they bouth fit in a .44 magnum gun?

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my uncle has a .44 magnum gun, but i also saw a box of .44 special. does that round also work a .44 magnum revolver?




  1. Yes, the .44 Special will work in a .44 Magnum revolver but not the other way around.  The .44 Magnum casing is longer and generates way more pressure than the older .44 Special which is shorter.


  2. Both are the same diameter but the case for the.44 Special. is 1.160 inches long while the .44 mag. case is 1.285 inches long.  so, the shorter .44 Special will fit into the .44 mag chamber but not the other way around.  It is exactly the same as with the .357 mag. and the .38 Special.

  3. magnum is a bigger- longer- round. the diameter is the same. yes you can put special through a magnum gun. same idea as a .38 through a .357 mag

    some people use specials to practice with to build to a magnum level

  4. Yes and they are less expensive to shoot, but still are lethal against the bad guy.* They are used for practicing, and have a lot less recoil.*

  5.   Yep, should be no problem, but don't try the reverse.

  6. You really need to read about Elmer Kieth. He started hot-loading 38 Specials, and that led to the development of the 357 Magnum, the case of which was lengthened about a tenth of an inch to make it impossible (or at least unlikely) to be loaded accidentally into 38 Spl. revolvers. Later he did the same thing with the 44 Spl, and again the case was lengthened to prevent it being used in the weaker revolvers.

    Since they headspace off the rim, it's fine to shoot 44 Spl cartridges in 44 Magnum revolvers, but the reverse isn't true. Kieth blew up a lot of handguns in his experiments, and it's a small miracle he lived a long life with both hands and eyes intact.

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