
What is smoke made of?

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What is smoke made of?




  1. The visible part of smoke is Nature's own nanoparticles, consisting of carbon (not the oxides which are invisible), tars and other high-boiling organic molecules, potash and silica.

  2. smoke is made up of small particles, gases & water vapor.  water vapor is the majority.  the remainder includes carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, irritant volatile organic compounds & air toxics.

  3. If you're talking of cigarette smoke, then:

    Over 4000 chemical compounds are created by burning a cigarette, many of which are toxic and/or carcinogenic. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia are all present in cigarette smoke. Forty-three known carcinogens are in mainstream smoke, sidestream smoke, or both.

    For a more detailed description of "smoke" in general refer to this Wikipedia page

  4. Particulate matter (small solids)  of uncombusted hydrocarbons and gases from incomplete combustion. This can include water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and others depending on the fuel.

  5. Mostly carbon oxide.  There are others items but that is mostly it.
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