
What is snow????

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What is snow????




  1. frozen go enroll in kindergarten again

  2. frozen rain

  3. Frozen clouds falling.

  4. Snow is frozen water, like rain but the atmosphere around it changes it so first it becomes really cold then, frozen lightly and that makes snow. Snow is white because of the altitude from mountainous areas. After snow is ice.

  5. Snow is an amazing form of frozen water.  It forms beautiful crystals that can vary in shape and size depending on the day.  

    A pile of these crystals can provide hours of fun:  forming a ball by slightly melting the crystals and throwing the ball at others, making larger balls into the shape of a man and decorating it with things, or when large quantities of it cover mountains, it can be traversed using favorite use of snow.

    Snow is a wonderous thing that causes crabby, depressed adults heartache (and back aches) because they haven't learned to enjoy it like kids do.

  6. cokaine

  7. precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals

  8. thatss a really good question.

    all i know is it is white stuff that fallls from the sky and gets you out of school?

  9. frozen water vapor

  10. Snow like water vapor, ice, water, is a chaotic.  

    Being chaotic means that it has 3forms gas, liquid, solid.  Snow is one of the chaotic forms of water.  Snow because it can be touched would probably fall under the solid form.


    @ those who answered "frozen rain"

    Frozen rain is sleet, not snow.

  12. water vaper that is frozen

  13. Gods dandruff.

  14. nose candy

  15. white stuff that covers your car and makes it hard to get to work on time

  16. Are you honestly serious?
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