
What is so bad about Polish people?

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My family and I recently emigrated to England.

After being around English people alot, i have often heard them insulting Polish people ALOT.

This makes me feel uncomfortable, as my family are immigrants too!

What is wrong with Polish people?

(I know not all English people feel this way.)




  1. i can slightly agree with jdm my bf and his dad are polish my bfs great grandfather came to the us from poland so i mena terchnicallythey are american now but they are slightly racist and very intolerant of people with different opinions than them but that may just be how they are also im from the us not england so im sure things are different

  2. I think the Poles are great! In my experience, the Poles in the UK work hard, pay taxes and are in general very polite and kind people.

    Not all Brits would agree with me - there are racists in every society - but they're just a vocal minority.

  3. The lazy population of England complain that the Polish are taking the jobs the English can't be arsed doing...

    I'm self employed and I'd pick a polish person any day, they work hard! never had a problem with them.

  4. I am a manager at a company and I work with a lot of polish people. Half of them are quite rude and refuse to do anything I ask them to do. However, the other half are great friends and a good laugh to be around. So I assume polish people are like most people everywhere. There are the nice ones and there are the ones you'd rather not meet again.

    When a lot of people immigrate to another country at one time there will always be a bit of friction. It's just the way people react. It's happening in Britain and it happened in Sweden and the States where I've also lived.

    As long as you and your family are friendly and embrace the british way of life you'll be fine. You can't help what people are saying.

  5. I have no problem with Polish people at all because I have a Polish friend but some people don't like them because In the UK there does seem to be a lot of Polish criminals in the news, which makes them think that it should be more difficult for them to get into the UK - tighter controls - they say we've got enough criminals of our own without having to pay to keep Polish ones.

    There are also a lot of immigrants taking jobs for less pay that Americans are being forced out of work or to work for less, so nobody can afford a decent living.

  6. I HATE polish people and i really don't care if you think i'm being racist!! They come over here and take all our jobs and houses and don't even bother speaking english in a public place and then get insulted and think that we are being racist when we don't understand you!! And your an immigrant which just adds to the long list that we have here!! Anyway what is wrong with poland? Go back

  7. Theres nothing wrong with polish people its just that the english people are racist and so hyped up. My dad was emigrated to  the U.K by boat! You don't need to worry its just that these english people are just so rude unlike the people who came from other countries they are much more matured and that they have much more discipline back there in the country then the one U.K. Nowadays people have become much more racist because of the amount of population of people from different backgrounds. The law too soft in my opinion.

    Phew that took long    




  8. Today's society is just racist.

    Stupidity is a stereotype that people slammed onto Polish people. It's just a stereotype... there's one for every culture and race. Like, I'm German, so people automatically assume I'm a fat alcoholic because of a comon stereotype.

    Don't worry about it. People are just racist and flat-out suck in general.

  9. As Mermaid said I think it's largely down to media sensationalism helping to stir things up with crime reports- (personally I think that crime has remained proportional to the population)- and a loss of jobs to the existing population, however these always seem to become issues with any new wave of Immigration, and not being a sociologist or statistician I really don't know the genuine depth of these accusations relating to Poles. Personally, I would welcome the opportunity to get to know Polish people as I have none in my circle of friends and always enjoy learning and coming to understand a new culture, I would imagine they're basically like most people who range from being ar*seholes to lovely. An ar*sehole is an ar*sehole no matter what creed colour or nationality.

  10. they are taking over

    and about them taking the jobs that people dont want to do is bull ****, they take good jobs for less pay which means british people get paid less

  11. WHAT .. ? I am Polish, and Let me tell you something, I live in America now and I absolutely hate this question. Nothing is wrong with and Polish person. People just stereotype to make you think their is.

    (P.S im using my dad account)

  12. nothing is wrong with polish people they are just racist

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