
What is so bad about directly speaking with Iran's president Ahmadinjead?

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like how obama says that if he is elected president he will sit down the president and have a direct talk with him. i dont get what the big deal is. whats the worsst that could happen?




  1. The US generally doesn't prefer diplomacy. Even under Clinton, the US prefered aggressive action like perpetuating sanctions and "strategic" bombings of factories and sanitation plants in Iraq. The US functions in world affairs as if it owns the world, ruling by force when it unilaterally deems it necessary. Speaking with Iran's president would imply a multilateral approach--something US elites despise. Much of our public favors diplomacy far greater than military and economic actions but public opinion has little if no effect on government policy.  

  2. because he will make america there little ******

  3. Because Ahmadinjead doesn't run iran.

    The Mullahs run Iran, they have the real power.

    Ahmadinjead was only elected, because the Mullahs, banned anyone else from running.

  4. It will make the Jews mad because they want America to attack Iran, because Iran doesn't like how Israel terrorizes the Palestinians.

  5. Personally, I don't think its a bad thing to talk to the little guy. We've all seen what not talking to them has gotten us. But you have to remember that the Iranians remember what America did to them in 1953 with OPERATION AJAX and they don't trust us much and I don't blame them. Now, the person we should really be talking to is the Supreme Leader, Ali Khomeini (or however you spell that dude's name) is is the true power in that country

  6. The same thing that was bad about negotiating with Hitler over Czechoslovakia, and Ton Duc Thang over South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

  7. In order to use diplomacy or negotiate in good faith - there has to be a reasonable person on both sides of the table.

    In the past, diplomacy has failed when dealing with radicals - h**l, their own government can't negotiate with them (Saudi Arabian Mosque hostages), what makes us infidels think that we can?

    Giving them the credibility of having the president try to negotiate directly with them may well, as in the past, be viewed by them as weakness.  

  8. He WANTS recognition from the United States. It's almost like we're pleading with this guy when we should just be crop dusting his country with smallpox.

  9. the idea is this, if a little punk comes up to you and says "i want you dead, all your friends dead, you are the devil, i don't want anything of yours, you are pure evil and the rest of my life i will spend trying to kill you"  this little punk starts kicking you in the ankles, he reaches for a gun when the kicking doesn't bother you.  you are in an easy position to restrain him, no doubt you can stop him, or you can stand back while this little insane man is going for his gun and say, "you know, let's talk this over, maybe i should die".  the little iranian has made his goal clear, there is no room for debate, he considers us the devil and wants us dead.  he does not want anything of ours, he does not want us to change, it is his religious belief that he should kill us.  you do not put someone like this into a bargaining position, you take him out of a position that he can do damage.  it is poor leadership to even consider this under the circumstances.  if an evil ruler has done nothing to us, but he starts threatening us because he thinks we have violated a treaty, or crossed a political line, or have affected his country negetively in some way, even if we do not believe it is true, thats the time to talk.  mr iran has set the tone, he has written his own rules, he has named the game, he needs to be taken out.....period.

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