
What is so bad about plain old Table Salt??

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As opposed to sea salt?? Why is sea salt better for you??

any help would be nice..... thank you in advance.




  1. Let us look at it from a little different angle.  

    Sea Salt ofcourse is the most natural form.  Here the element Earth and element Water are contributing to its formation and then the natural and third element Fire from Sun evaporates the water to solidify it into salt for our table.  Three of these natural elements are certainly behind its manufacture, though the role of Air and Ether is not clearly known.  

          One of the important functions of salt in the body is the water retention or water expulsion from the body.  Here Salt and water are intrincically inter-woven in its functions. In other words the salt always have a tendency to take back the water which had evaporated from it.  This property of   the salt probably controls the osmosis between the inter cellular water and the water outside the cells and regulates that function to keep our body in good shape.

             When water is retained we seem to become obese.  The ailments concommitent to obesity manifest when water is retained.  One of the ailments is high BP.  Here the big mistake  that every one does is to reduce the salt and increase the water intake.  To my mind this is a huge blunder.  We must have a balance between the water intake and the salt intake.  And that balance as far as I can think is directly proportional to the water which has been evaporated when salt was prepared.  i.e.  if one  crystal of salt was formed from evaporating one ounce of water, the person who is consuming one crystal of salt must take one ounce of water, nothing more nothing less.  The salt intake through all other sources should also be evaluated here to arrive at the water intake.  For e.g. if you take plenty of water and curtail the salt intake completely, the person is bound to continue with the high BP, whatever medicines he takes, the moment the medicines are stopped the BP will jump upwards.  Balance the salt and water in the body, according to the intake of salt, intake of water, vapourisation of water, also taking into account retained water in the body, and come to a conclusion as to how much water has to be taken to arrive at a balance.  If somebody is fat because of water retention, this balancing will make her thin.  I have no doubts about that.  

            Anything prepared artificially leads to disharmony in human body.  Including the cooked food.  Rock salts are infact, remnants of the deluge, and metamorphised sea water.

  2. Ive just learned something today, you know I wasn't aware of a difference.

  3. I have a serious salt addiction.  I LOVE it  on the rim with some club soda & fresh lime juice squeezed inside.

  4. Table salt has aluminum added to it, to prevent it from getting cluggy and damp. The problem with this is that is is a heavy metal and stores in our body and can cause many health problem later in life. Sea salt is great, the only problem is that it can go culuggy- so make sure you keep it in an air tight container.

  5. Sea salt is produced from evaporated sea water. Table salt is produced from refined mined rock salt (halite) or sometimes from sea salt but has additives.

    Unrefined sea salt contains many minerals that regular table salt does not contain.... such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodide and sulphate. However, bare in mind it can also contain traces of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium, as well as strontium. The iodine content of sea salt may be less than commercial table salt that is labelled iodized.

    Table salt has additives to prevent caking as salt naturally attracts water (hygroscopic) that causes clumping. Read the labels always. Not all table salt contains aluminum calcium silicate. Some brands have only magnesium compounds (e.g. magnesium silicate and carbonate) as anti-caking ingredients; yet other brands have other non-aluminium based anti-caking agents such as calcium phosphate and silicon dioxide.

    Some table salt is iodized (addition of iodine) so as to provide a regular source of iodine for those that are concerned their diet may be lacking, particularly if they are vegan and thus do not eat sea fish.

    There are "low" Salts such as the brand "Lo-salt" that have potassium chloride added in a ratio that is equal to sodium chloride (the main ingredient of ALL SALTS) or greater than  (sometimes 2/3 potassium chloride...such as UKs Lo-Salt ) sodium chloride. The addition of potassium chloride is thought to be beneficial for the health, particularly for helping to keep blood pressure at a healthy level. However, if you are on certain medications you should talk to a health care provider before using one of these salts containing potassium chloride. Also, as with ordinary salt it should not be given to young babies or those with a history of kidney disease.

    Many consider sea salt to be more natural. Gourmet chefs often prefer to use sea salt because they believe it gives a nicer flavour to food. Sea salt has many other benefits, often used in external therapies. For more information I suggest this link:

    Considering other mineral are naturally present in sea salt you may derive some benefit from its use over table salt. However, make sure you buy a quality source that is guaranteed as such. You could consider using sea salt for cooking and a Low Salt at the table if you want to increase your potassium levels. Or alternatively if you want to stick with sea salt then consider apple juice or apple cider vinegar (as a condiment or in water) as a reliable source of potassium.

    Hope this helps.

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