
What is so good about a PS3? ?

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I was thinking of getting a PS3 but i was Just wondering what are the good points of getting a PS3 and the bad? And Can you get on the internet for free? Does it matter how many GB it has? Watch ANY type of video on websites such as Youtube, bla bla blaaaaa. Thanks




  1. yes its internet is free and you can watch youtube videos. 80gigs is the best!!

  2. ps3 is the best console out there.wii did sell more than it because its more for adults and kids and ps3 is for hardcore gamers.

    so adults+kids > hardcore gamers. thats the point.

    good points

    1)blu ray

    2)built in wi fi

    3)free online play

    4)free psn registration

    5)home coming out

    6)life with ps3 coming out

    7)more exclusives coming out

    8)better games coming out


    10)trophies to kick out 360 achievements

    11)removable hard disk

    12)ps1 compatible

    13)best graphics

    14)free internet browser

    15)plays all dvd and cd

      16)video chat and voice chat

      17)accesible with psp

       18)ps3 store

        19)PSone classics

        20)arcade games

        21)exclusive psn games

        22)movie or rentals

       23 movie purchase

    anything else

    bad points

    1)the  new models coming out are not compatible with ps2

    there are no more bad points.

    i recommend you to close your eyes and get it.

    good luck

  3. Free internet, capable internet browser (supports youtube, and all that), Blu-ray player/ DVD player/ CD player, can save pictures music and videos onto HDD, as well as full feature games. Some claim the PS3 online is c**p compared to XBL, but personally, I don't see why. They both have friends lists, messaging, and online stores, what is so special about Xbox Live?

  4. the good thing about getting a ps3 is that it can't get a rrod (red ring of death) like the 360 can. the online on a ps3 is also free, but thats because its really bad compared to xbox live. and yes, it does matter how many gb you get, because there is only one kind that can play original ps2 games. i think its the 80 gb, but im not sure. personally, i like the xbox 360 better. you should get that instead. its cheaper, it has better xbox - only games, it takes up less space, the controller feels better in your hand, and xbox live is better than the playstation network. and xbox live is only about 5 dollars a month anyway. so its your choice, but in my opinion, a 360 is a better choice. oh, if you decide to get a 360 instead, make sure to keep it in a well, ventilated area to help to prevent the rrod. if you want more info on how the rrod is caused, e-mail me at

  5. k pros for ps3

    free online

    awesome games

    better graphics than 360

    wont get rrod

    u can use internet for free

    most versions have backwards compatibility


    the 40 gb model cant play ps2 games

    ps. if u want 1 that can play ps2 games get the 80 or 60 gb model or wait till the 160gb comes out!!

  6. Well the Playstation 3 has many cool features and yes it really is worth it.You do not need to pay yearly for online play and it has a built web browser for web surfing.Given you must have high speed internet(cable or dsl) for those features.But if you have internet then yes it is free. Another great thing is that you can rent or buy movies,and arcade games over the playstation network.

    You can get demos and videos for free as well.And i forgot to mention buying playstation 1 classics online.The built in Blu-Ray player is also a big plus.There are some great games out there for the playstation 3 and more are yet to come.For me youtube has been the only flawless movie watching system on the PS3.

    The only thing about the amount of gigs is some games have a 3-4 gig download. So I would reccomend the 160 gig Playstation 3 which has been annouced for november.It comes with a Dual Shock  controller and the game uncharted.Or you can always just upgrade to a 500 gig hard drive later since the PS3 uses a lap top hard drive.

    If you want memory card readers and PS2 B/C then you need to buy one Now as they are doing away with those features. If you want these features look for the 20 gig,60 gig,Moterstorm pack 80 gig,or Metal gear solid 4 pack 80 gig. only those.

    Hope this helped

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