
What is so good about it?

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well i am 15 yrs old i go to homeschooling. next yr i get to pick about homescooling,cyberschool,or public school. i rlly miss the comotion of other ppl and going to school. but then again when i wanna go on vacations i cant becuz i am in school so it rlly suckz. which one should i pick. and one more thing if i stayed in homeschooling or cyber school is there and way i could get a schorlar ship in anything i mean how could i thnxx ppl




  1. Go to public school. Homeschooling is for insecure parents that want to hang out all day with their kids because they have no social life.It benefits the parents, not the kids.

    Kids need to learn how to interact socially with ALL kinds of people and that's something homeschooling doesn't teach.

  2. I agree with the first response. It can be a pain, but the pain builds character, I guess.

    The most important lessons that you learn through public school aren't in the textbooks.

  3. If I were you I would do the cyber school K12. It has full lesson plans and all the other jazz. you can do shorter days because it goes so fast i was able to do 4 hour days. while still learning alot. Another positive point about  a cyber school is that you will be able to do more activitys. there is no homework. even though you are concerned about the social life, you will still be able to hang out with friends after school and on weekends and more then before because you no longer have homework. so go check it out at

  4. Homeschooling is great! And you get to do so many great things! You get just as many friends as you'd have in high school, and go to parties, go on more vactions and do everything, if not more that'd you'd do in high school!

    Hahaha...I totally disagree though...That's a big amount of c**p (In my opinion)

    I'd say...Don't do homeschooling...

    I personally dislike it...

    And regret it...


    All my best!

  5. First of all, if you want to get a scholarship, you're going to have to work on your grammar and spelling.  (That's the HS'ing mom in me coming out.)

    It's going to be a personal decision for you and your family.  We can't make this decision for you.

    You can apply for scholarships as a HS'er or cyber schooler the same way public school kids do - you apply.  At public schools they don't just hand out scholarships to kids.  Most are sponsored by a community organization, credit union, labor union, etc.  *OR* they are supplied by the foundation of the college you wish to attend.  All of them require applications, unless they're based solely on your ACT/SAT testing and/or grade point average.

    To beef up your college & scholarship application, you should get involved in school and community activities, volunteer, get a part-time job, *and* get good grades.  This is not dependent on what type of schooling you get - all high school students should do this.

  6. Homeschool students can still get scholarships, but you will have to prove to whatever college you want to attend that you are worthy of one.  Whether you continue homeschooling or go to public school you will have to take initiative to go above and beyond what other students are doing to make yourself stand out from the crowd.  Go look at scholarship applications for various colleges to see what they are looking for.  Just going to public school doesn't mean you will get a scholarship.

    As for what you should choose, that is up to you and your parents.  I agree with you that the flexibility of homeschooling is great, but if you are going to continue with it, you should take responsibility for your social life.  

    Find some activities to get involved with that will give you that social connection you desire.  Become active in your community.  Look for groups to join that support your interests, or try to find an internship or volunteer position.

    If there are no groups in your area, think of something you are interested in and start a group.  That  would be a great way to get noticed by colleges.

    Here are some ideas for activities:

    Here are some tips for starting a support group:

    Good luck making a decision!

  7. you can do every thing jt288 said with homeschooling. You just need to find a local homeschool group and join. You then have the interaction of kids your age without losing the anytime vacations and the personalized teachings. When you go to a public school the teacher has to teach to the majority and if they do not teach to your learning style that could be bad for you. Check all options carefully and good luck with what ever you decide.

  8. If I were in your position, I would choose to go to a public school. You learn so much in school that you can't learn elsewhere. You get to socialize and develop important interpersonal skills, you get to help others and have others help you, discuss your ideas and problems. You can join clubs so that you meet people with similar interests... I don't see why not. There's always summer for vacation time, spring break, holidays, etc.

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