
What is so good about the ps3?

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the games are the same thing as the ps2 and the MGS4 grand thef auto 4 soul calibur 4? you sony fanboys say that the wii is the same? look at ps3 and 360 every game has a number like MGS4.have you ever heard of super mario glaxey 2 or super mario sunshine 2?NO becuse unlike sony and 360 which aways run out of Ideas

and if you think I am a fanboy what do you think about this.;_ylt=AmbrURAGrxDVvzE0JP_BgBHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080829145025AABbmXD&show=7#profile-info-9f56cb355a71e736a46e9b5dd5f2a0cfaa;_ylt=AjB2jZxByNEw8slWGdUC0vHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080823201347AAF85JT&show=7#profile-info-pOU8KH0Oaa




  1. the ps3 can do so many more things than the wii and the 360. all the wii can do is play kiddi single player games that are nearly identical to the gamecube versions of the game with slightly tweaked super unrealistic motion sensitive controls. the wii is a piece of c**p.  

  2. wowe man you tpe all day ya see this c**p you just said shows how stupid nintendo wii FANBOYS are who bash on something with not one good point the games you just said don't make no sense what the F is super mario galaxy 2 and super mario 64 2 no i haven't heard of that are you kiddin me ps3 has same games that shows you you don't know playstation tell me 5 original wii games not sequels or the same style all the has is sequels and new installments what some carnival games what the F you jerkoff Conduit is c**p i can play Haze and it is better than that c**p you have fun on Conduit you dumb FANBOY big deal mario is in space it is still a new super mario game this is why people like you don't need to ask questions Wii is c**p ya just stay on wii section ya FANBOY                  

    I'm out  

  3. loser


    Now, why don't you let people enjoy what they have? When I had a Wii, it only gave me gameplay. I didn't even have a DVD player, only my mom, sister, and living room had one. My room didn't. Guess what? The PS3 gave me a BLU-RAY player, DVD player, CD player, and media center (something I really wanted!). So, go enjoy your Wii while I play my PS3.

  5. Hey Big Boss Matthias Dannflor I am right here!

    I kinda agree what you are saying to the asker!

  6. wow r u seariously askin this Q. Ps3 is like a whole entertainment system, blue ray, 130, 80,60, and 40 gig hard drive. And it doesnt have alot of good games yet, but it came out like a year ago. .

  7. The free online-play, blue-ray, and other variety's

    If you are deciding to buy one wait until they come out with the one with more GB, it's still the same price. And also wait for trophies to come out. THey are pretty much like achievements for the 360

  8. cheaper. free online. blu-ray player. better online. better games. better graphics. more convenient controller. looks cooler.  

  9. what so good about the wii? the graphics suck! not even a single hard drive! and most ppl use the old nintendo gamecube controller because the wii motion sucks! if you haven't notice during the E3 announcement for the wii there were not a single new thing. the wii music is like rock band with a wii mote yeah really cool. how about the games? the only one that was good was animal crossing ( for little kids LOL) the ps3 MAG ( massive action game) prince of persia resistance 2. for xbox gears of war 2 fable 2 call of duty 5 fallout 3 and the new xbox dashboard. the wiis turn........ wait there is no legend of zelda, no new mario game, no new ssbb, no pokemon. ohh poor b*****d. the only new thing the new wii attachment like who is going to buy that anyway. and plus the friend code. yeah it g*y!!. and i happen to own a xbox and a ps3. not a wii do you know why? because it SUCKS BALL BOG TIME.  

  10. EVERYTHING!!  dang if you have enough time to write all of that you really need a PS3!

  11. lol you ****** fanboy! get a life! you say your not a fanboy, look at your name! wii rules! lol you dumb ****** fanboy! i hope i get banned for cursing at you you ****** imbecile you need to get alife, coming on to yahoo answers to bash! lol get a life! running out of ideas huh, i think wii is, i mean thats why they chose gameplay over everything else, most wii games have g*y *** stories and every wii game has the same gameplay! i say that is what you call "ran out of ideas"! and sony and microsoft dont decide to title there games with numbers its the publisher, im sureyou've heard of mario party 1 - ****** what? 8 or 9 is it? idk, wat else metroid prime 2 dude its all about the publishers... stop being a fanboy get a life

  12. You remind me of communist/R.O.B, h**l, you even type like him! Stop typing so fast man!

    Watch this:

    ALL 3 consoles are great! Not everyone has to agree with you

    ALL 3 consoles are great

    ALL 3 consoles are great

    ALL 3 consoles are great

    Let people enjoy what they want, once again, not everyone has to agree with you. You are NOT some gaming messiah that everyone has to follow

    Have you even played MGS4? If you actually played it, you would know that it has many things previous games didn't have ( in the series):

    - Octocamo ( if you have to ask what that is, then it proves you haven't played it)

    - Weapon customizations

    - Better and improved online from MGS3

    - Stress meter

    - More weapons to choose from

    - Different enviroments ( MGS3 was mainly in the Russian jungle, MGS4 takes place in a battlefield in the Middle East, a jungle in South America, an Eastern European City, and an island off the coast of Alaska)

    GTA4 has:

    - New characters

    - New story

    - Better graphics

    - More realistic physics when driving

    - An online mode, which WASN'T in previous games

    I never said the Wii was the same, so that cancels out that argument

    BUT, I hate fanboys like you! Thanks for the 2 points! :)

  13. what isnt gd lol

  14. nintendo does the same thing.  mario Galaxy is just like all the other mario games from the GC and previous systems.  complete the objective to get the star.  i think nintendo has also run out of ideas, but so have the other systems. there is just so much they can do before they have done what seems like everything.

  15. ps3 has free online play  

  16. everything about the ps3 is much better than wii.

    wii's are for little kids

    xbox 360 is up there with ps3

  17. well I bought the wii for my bf's son and really they play a lot ,mario kart ,and  medal of honor 2 they pass almost all day in front of the tv playing ,and sometimes they let me play tennis and it is fun I enjoy lol


  19. Mario Bros., Marios Bros 2, 3, Yoshis island, paper mario, docotor marion, mario galaxy, smash bros, Ocirani of time, twilight proincess, legend of zelda, link to the past, wind waker etc.

    oh n Wiisport, WiiResort, WiiFit, WiiMusic etc.

    Maybe make sure the gun can't be pointed at you beofre statign stuff like that.

    If an idea is good then peopel will re-use it, as Nintendo are excellent at showing. Its tried n Tested, and therefore safe, LittleBigPlanet is a tootlaly new Idea, it coudl be the next beig thing, but it coudl flop, but Sony took a gambel and backed an unknown IP.

    PS3 is a huge leap in gaming, Blu-Ray technolgy, Cell processor etc etc.

    Wii however doesnt even have DVD palyback or a hard drive, okay the market its aimed at may not want that, but Ps3/360 owners wanted the features so got that console.

    I have nothing against the Wii, or the great Italian plumber, but i hate peopel that even attempt to comaptre the Wii to the PS3 or 360, there aimed at different markets, with diffrnet types of gmaes, with diffrent specs. Its liek comapring Appels/Oranges to a Tomaot, simialr, but not simialr enough.

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