
What is so good being an ambassador ?

by  |  earlier

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I would love to be an ambassador as it involves diplomatic official accredited to a foreign sovereign or government, or to an international organization, to serve as the official representative of his or her own country . how about you ? pls do tell :)




  1. well it depends if your an american ambassador then most likely you will be assassinated

  2. aMBASSODORS AREN'T REALLY IN DANGER EVER, IT'S THE aTTACHES WHO ARE kidnapped or killed. So you have a high ranking job and are not in danger. Plus usually your not military, mostly just selected service. But the military poeple usually won't really respect you outside of work when you are just selected service. They'll follow arders but youw on't have thier real respect.

  3. Well you get diplomatic immunity, that is a h**l of a perk. But

    the real deal is you represent your country and what it stands

    for. Also mostly, you spread the word about the country, you are in. It is so wonderful here, etc.

  4. most ambassadors are appointed by the us president or are senior state department officials, and the ones not appointed get crappy locations like djibouti, which totally suck... france goes to the presidents homeboys...

    would recommend it....

  5. Ambassador:

    For the most part, these people are nothing more then

    political hacks, of the powers to be. Most are NOT qualitfied

    for these position. Its payback for their help at election time.

    All paid for, by you me & all the tax payers.

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