
What is so great about Twilight

by Guest62060  |  earlier

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What is so great about Twilight I just dont get why girls obsess over a books about a vampire ,im not bashing im serious,why do girls like Twilight so much?




  1. ive been asking the same frinking question for the last year and a half and now even my girlfriend likes it o it gets on my nerves just like the stupid jonas brothers o i hate them..

  2. its the best book ive ever read...

    its a love story and its the best one ever!

  3. hmm its mostly that the male character in the book is almost perfect. For example he says the right things and he is described as being gorgeous. I think the book is awesome but I wouldn't really expect a guy to read it.  

  4. It's wonderful and addictive, Stephenie Meyer got me and pretty much every other person who read the books hooked. It's just such an interesting and creative story and every girl see's herself as Bella Swan and wishes they were put in that position.

  5. I sure as h**l don't.

  6. From a girl's perspective the books are just really well written and the plot is very intriguing! It keeps me reading it and i finished the last book in three days it was that good! Plus it doesn't hurt that Edward is supposedly gorgeous in every way so it plays with your imagination...especially for girls:)  

  7. two simple words:

    Edward Cullen.

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