
What is so great about smart cars? Are they really smart?

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Don't get me wrong, I love small cars. And huge cars. I just love cars in general. But not ugly ones. Personally, I think the smart car is the stupidest piece of S**t on the road. Just think, it starts at 11 grand, for that price you could have a toyota yaris, which outdoes the smart in just about every aspect. Yeah, I know the website says it gets 60 miles a gallon, but car and driver tested it and it only got in the mid 30s low 40s! (????) Wouldn't it take a complete liberal idiot to actually think this car is practical? What's so great about them?




  1. hey keep the polutics out of it

    yea there junk so were kia's and they have goten better

    i would never pay for one but it makes a point

    when enough people get killed in them and the company recieves enough lawsuits there ears bleed they will go under

    personally i would rather drive a big car/truck that gets 15mph my gas mileage will suck but when a smart hits me head on and kills the driver and passenger i will be happy to only walk away with bruises


  2. the name comes from Swatch Mercedes ART, personally I love small cars, the piece of s*it comment pops into my head when I see an H2 or Excursion. They are very well designed and safe for their size. The only reason you don't see the diesel version in the US yet is emissions, the new blue tech diesel version should be available by 2010. Diesel smarts get 60-80 mpg. Whats practical about one person with a briefcase commuting in a Chev Tahoe?

  3. they're great for city driving-- the thing i think is greatest about them is that when you're parallel parking, you can park three smartcars in one space becasue they can be parked sideways (i.e. facing the middle of the street, back to curb)

  4. True, it doesn't get any better mileage than a normal-sized sedan hybrid.

    I think the only real advantage is the small size.  If you live in a crowded city with tight street parking, it would be invaluable.  

    The rest is subjective - you think it's ugly, someone else might think it's cute and zippy.  And what's practical for one person might not be practical for another, so you can only judge based on YOUR needs, not on anyone else's.

    So please save your rants, or at least try to be a little more objective.

  5. According to Consumer Reports, the Toyota Yaris has among the lowest customer satisfaction rating of any car on the road. So you're comparing a car that YOU don't like to a car that MOST PEOPLE do not like. It sounds like you're the exception to the rule, not the other way around.

  6. It's all about smart marketing, not smart customers. They want customers to think it's smart to buy the car. Maybe it is, and maybe it isn't but the company wants to help influence you in any way they can, including naming the car in a way that might subconsciously influence you.

  7. you gotta look at the bigger picture then that, it's new, it looks wierd, ppl got bored and wanted something new that was better for the environment, and this gave them this.  just like how miley cyrus and the jonas brothers came along, ppl were board and wanted more.  it's kinda like when people buy ipods, they buy the newest one when another comes out, just cuz they got bored of thier old ones,it's human nature


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