
What is so great about the game Runescape?

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My son who is 14 is addicted. I am afraid for him because if he isnt playing he is sleeping and going to school. It is getting to the point he will not fix himself anything to drink he just plays.

My fear is he is talking to someone he shouldnt ( like a adult that is preying on children) when i go check to see what he is typeing he covers the screen. Do they have moderators who monitor? My mother has purchased this game for him and he wil not give the password so i have no way of checking this? It is getting so bad he will snap on anyone who gets near the computer and his behavior has become violent.




  1. wow... just wow lol that is the sad. i would have to say just force the password out of him, i dont think he is talking to anyone he probably is just a bit shy of anyone calling him a nerd

  2. Well this is where you, as the mother needs to step in. I am 14 as well, but you CANNOT let a 14 year old son control your life. You need to step in and not take no for an answer. Sit him down and talk with him, that is probably what he needs. Show him the show Dateline NBC: To catch a predator, show him what kinds of things can happen if they talk to random people online on a regular basis. You need to stop him now.

  3. wow that is really sad. im so sorry i cant help you. most people that play runescape are just normal guys that do it for fun and they dont obsess over it like that. to answer your question about moderators, yes there are several moderators in runescape that will deal with people such as that if they should come across them. however since there are way more players than moderators i cant guarantee that they will find the person. u shouldnt have to worry too much about that because the chances that your son's runescape friends dont live anywhere close to you (most likely in a different state or country). as for his violent behavior i cant really help you. if it gets any worse you might want to ask someone more professional for their opinion or help.

  4. Wow, he might be covering the screen because he's embarrassed.

    But if I were you, I'd ask for professional help immediately.

    Gaming too much can hurt yourself dramatically.

    Yes, it is possible to die while playing games (lack of rest)

  5. Trust me out of 5 years of runscape, there are no "adults" preying on your son.. He will soon get bored of it, return to it, quit it and etc.. Or if it gets bad tell your mom to delete his membership. Him playing free will make him quit faster.

  6. well i have good news, and bad news. i will start with the good news lol

    yes! there are moderators that watch over the players. they are called player moderators. the company that made the game, jagex, chooses players they find responsible to help moderate the community. i am one of them, i have been a player moderator for a little over a year now. if we see any person, male or female, adult or kid, doing anything inappropriate, we have priority reporting, and can even mute any player for a limited amount of time. anyone who gets reported will have the offense looked at. i am an adult, and i know for certain if any adult tries to compromise the internet safety of a child, or anyone for that matter, that they will have their account locked and banned immediately. if it is sexual, they very likely will contact the appropriate authorities regarding the issue. jagex highly frowns upon in game "dating" between players. it is a lot more serious if an adult attempts any behavior like that. so i wouldn't worry too much about that :)

    now the bad news -- teens are very impressionable, and have addicting personalities. RPG games tend to suck in a lot of the younger players, causing them to neglect their every day activities. if your son's game playing is getting to be too severe, it is very important to set ground rules with him. let him know how long is O.K. to play, and how long is too much. hey may not like it, but you are the adult, and you are the one who makes the rules. if you suspect his chat being inappropriate with another person for any reason, it could be possible that player mods did not catch the activity, so it would be best to let him know you find it very suspicious that he hides it from you. it's better safe than sorry.

    best of luck to you!

  7. Well, first of all, tell him that if he doesn't calm down, you will delete his account.

    Secondly, tell him that it's just a game, and say that he can only go on for 2 hours per day TOPS.


  8. uhm. runesape is an online game where u make friends, do quests, and level up ur person.  And your son is old enough to have u not sneaking and snooping around the pc trying to read what hes doing. that just shows him that u dont trust him or respect him..  I play runescape. yea. there are mods. or moderaters... and ur mother didnt purchase it... she made him a member apperently.  im just like ur son xD i dont wanna do nuthin either! lolz.

    but yea. its just a game... no one is really going to stalk him...  and just tell him to calm down if sum1 goes near the pc... i hate people watching me play it too...  cus its a place where u can talk to peoplez with out being shy....

    if ur so worried about it just go to and sign up...

  9. My brother got addicted when he was ten.  My parents gave him a one hour limit per day, but he would get up after midnight to play anyway.  

    I wouldnt worry so much about predators, more about the opportunities he is passing up by playing.  

    Try to limit how much he plays, by the hour, or by the day of the week.  If that doesnt work, ground him from runescape for a couple of weeks.  When the punishment is over, give him the time limit again.

    Be patient.  He will probably resent your decision at first.

    This is what my parents did for my brother, and now he is doing sports and has a lot more friends.  He still plays, but no he only plays a few hours a week by his own choice.  He used to play in all of his free time and throw tantrums when anyone needed the computer.  

  10. just cut the internet or just block runescape

  11. If he's that addicted I suggest you unplug the computer and hide it. For a while he will be depressed and angry but its for his own good. Theres a good chance he is making friends on the game or talking to friends he knows in real life.

  12. No one likes giving out private information out like a password or anything but yes they have monitors almost any game does also if things get serious you can report someone or just ignore them so they can no longer contact you and you cannot contact them... I can't really explain the violence I kinda have that behavior but no in family seems to think its something to worry about.

  13. It is pretty hard to know who you are talking to. People can easily lie about their age and gender and there is no way of knowing.  

  14. NOTHING, IT SUCKS. Your son must be a complete D**b*ss If Hes addicted to runescape.

  15. nothing is great it advances the boy mind and aggresion to hurt people that is the main sience it is a waste of money and it is very sad at time i sugeest u gentely kick him off and if he talkes back thats a sign that the game is taking over his mind 0_o

  16. Okay listen if your Mother purchased this game for him then she doesn't have to keep paying the 5 or more dollars you need to pay to play it. And if your computer's protected I think you can block Runescape with a password. If you don't want him to get really mad at you, you need to talk with him about his behavior. But if he doesn't want to talk, then you need to ask, "Is the stuff your typing so bad that I can't read it?" And if he tells you it's none of your business then that's when you say, "You are my business!" Where's the computer at? If it is in his room take it out. When school startes back up and one day while his at school take it out of his room and put it in the kitchen, living room, dining room, or some where your at all the time so you can check what his typing. And see what websites his on. And if he still has a really bad addited towards you, that's when you ground him and don't let him on 1, 2 weeks, or how long you ground him for. If that doesn't work you need to talk to your mother about canceling his membership on Runescape. You can cancel it, and then he will only be able to play the really boring Runescape (Runescape's boring anyway you play it) that he might, he just might quit playing it. But if that doesn't work you need to talk to him and talk to him good. If he yell at you, you yell back at him! Don't let him walk all over you! Your the Mother and his the Son! It's not the other way around (Dad and Daughter)! But if that doesn't work that's when you unplug the computer and take all the cables and hid them somewhere (you don't have to do this, just speaking my mind). Your Son (just saying) sounds like he's really spoiled! He might stomp his feet and throw a hissy fit. But who cares his being disrepsetful to you, and that isn't right. Oh and another way to do it is to show him at how many kids have gone to meet with friends from Runescape or any other playing website (Myspace, and other chat room type websites). You need to throw down the law and tell him if he doesn't like it to bad!!!! You may not be one to yell, but when your 14 YEAR OLD SON yells at you, you need to step up to the plate and do what parents do when their kids disrepset them like there their friends! Girl he has his own phone line!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you nuts!? His 14 years old! You need to slap some sense into him. YOUR THE MOTHER AND HIS THE SON!!!!!!!!! IF HE HAS PUT HOLE'S IN YOUR WALLS BECAUSE OF SOME STUPID GAME THEN YOU REALLY NEED TO GET HIM SOME HELP! IT SOUNDS LIKE HE IS ACTING LIKE A 5 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When his in his room playing runescape in the middle of the night you rush in there and tell him it's time for bed! Does he not have a curfew? Does he not have a time when he has to be in bed at? I mean come on. And if you feel that scared of him and don't feel save with him in the same house, and if you do any of the things I have said and he trys to hit you with things. Then you need to call the police! It's called assualt for a reason!!!!!! Just because his your son doesn't give him the right to hurt you!!!!! You need to tell people what his doing! Tell your Mother, Husband (if you have one), and tell your friends. Don't stay in the dark for so long that your never going to come out! No one should die over a stupid computer/internet game! You need to act now. And if he ever threatends your life you you need to call the police!!!!!!!! And if he ever trys to seriously hurt you then it's time to really call the police. Please don't do something stupid and get yourself killed!? I'm begging you please don't >_<.! Just talk to him and tell him you don't feel comfortable with him always angry at you. I don't want anyone to die over this......! Talk to your friends, or your Mother. Please don't get yourself hurt >_<.!

    Hope I was of help ^_^!

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