
What is so offensive about a teenager having a baby and the mother adopting it?

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Why are republican's getting so offensive over this Sarah Palin child ordeal .

Its really not all that bad if its true and I don't see it as being rude as an american we have to be able to know the truth and ask question's you can't just take everyones word anymore people lie now a days.

There acting like I call'd Sarah Palin some really awful name all were instiigating is that she is a liar is that really all that bad why are u furious an calling liberals rude names ?




  1. Nothing.  It goes on all over this nation.  LOL

    Because Liberals are backwards and upside down and can't be helped unless they're still young enough to spank.  Somehow this is supposed to be dirt.

  2. Because it's libel.  You have no proof.

  3. They have nothing better to do with there time...

  4. Raises some eyebrows, but even if true it just re-enforces my image of this woman as the neo-con uber christianist stepford nightmare.  This is precisely the sort of thing I would expect from a hard right winger, as there are no longer homes for unwed mothers.

    Let's leave the internet conspiracy thing to the right wingers, though.  Let them make fools of themselves.

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