
What is so special about getting married?

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I mean i want to get married but all i see is

.get married

.have kids watch them grow

.and maybe if you have a job do that.

i mean that sounds so boring what is the special bit about it?




  1. Same question I have been asking. Never married, but not sure I ever want to be. I like how Goldie and Kurt do it- no paperwork but have lived together happily for years and years and had kids. You can still have everything that comes with the marriage except the paperwork and the ceremony!  

  2. The beauty all depends on how you view it. "What's so special about living? You live, work hard and end up dying." <<<If that's your mentality then of course you'll never enjoy the beauty of triumph, perserverance, love, failure, dedication or friendship.

    Sadly, the sanctity of marriage has lost its value in modern day. I (personally) don't believe in pre-marital s*x or g*y marriage (I mean, it's not my business but I do think it debases the beauty of marriage). And with raging feminists and men struggling with their identities men and women have lost touch with their natural instincts of love, nurture and dreaming. A spouse is a soulmate, a  partner, a (future) parent; someone to help you on your life path not to be a crutch. I HOPE more than anything that I will *help* my husband reach all his goals and to never inhibit him from pursuing them.

    Maybe you haven't found the right man or maybe you have but you don't appreciate him. Open your eyes and *feel* the beauty. Soon, you'll begin to see it :)

    Good luck!

  3. I dont know. THe only part that you've got wrong is that watching kids grow is boring. WHen they are your kids you will understand that. Kids are so amazing, they even help you understand yourself and the fact that you can grow a human being is so powerful and cool.

    Marriage? It's hard, it's nice to have stability, but I dont know what else at this point.  

  4. i think dat from what ive seen getting married is knowing that you have found that speacial someone that makes you feel different like you are not gonna have that feeling with no one else nd then is like having fun in the marriage but yourself havin fun

    Hope that answered the question..


  5. being together, work as a team, knowing u got each other, growing old together, having a family together and learning from one another

  6. Well just keep moving from one guy to the next, or just be alone. Whatever u like, GOOD LUCK!

  7. Waste of money for a bit of paper and if divorced then more money wasted again.

  8. Nothing...

  9. I agree with you.

    I think some of my friends who cohabit seem to have longer and better relationships. They've all been together over 20 years, but I don't think I know many married people, as they mostly got divorced.

    I'm not sure if your question is about long-term relationships in general or marriage in particular, but getting married is about having a nice day, dressing up, I guess, otherwise they'd stay together out of love, wouldn't they, unless one of them needs a work permit.

    I guess it depends on the relationship - the most successful ones have each partner doing their own thing for some of the time. They still spend time together, but they are two distinct individuals.  They're also easier for me, as a single person, to hang out with, as I think married couples can be a bit of a two-headed single being, if you know what I mean.

  10. You get to spend and share the rest of your life with the person who you love the most in this world.  You share everything from your name to inside jokes.  You won't understand until you are addressed as Mr. and Mrs. so and so.  That's the best feeling in the world.  Your kids see that you love each other and that there's no separating the two of you.  That makes them feel good.  My father-in-law is one of four children.  He was the baby of the family, and is very proud that his dad was the only one (out of the other kids' fathers) that his mom married.  It has it's ups and downs, but in the end its the best way to go.  

  11. youve never met me have you


    possibly the best way to learn to appreciate marriage is to spend christmas day alone

  12. You are missing what happens in between. It isn't about the tittle, it is the journey that happens in between it all. Look at the bigger picture.  

  13. It beats the alternatives.

    Like shacking up and being used as a s*x toy on PERMANENT TRIAL basis,

    getting std's by s******g around, growing old alone etc.

  14. Im married. Im asking the same question.

  15. Its about making a commitment. If you just live with somebody you can break it off at the drop of a hat-but if you are married you cannot do this. Sure you can break it off but you are still MARRIED. To undo THAT requires some time and effort and money. So If you get married it means to your partner that you care enough about them to want to go that far. Its about the most compelling proof you can have when you say "I love you"

  16. I think it's only "special" if you meet and marry the right person.  It's nice to be in a committed relationship but I don't think you have to be married.  Marriage was created for the eyes of men in my opinion.  I know a lot of couples who have been together for years but have not married on paper.

    After a couple receives mail at the same address or pay bills for each other for a time, they are considered married by "Common Law".

    There's a lot to being married to someone.  It's not simply working and rearing children.  In fact, I don't think a person should get married if they think so.

    In these times, rearing children is very expensive and very much regulated by the government.  In my opinion, this is one of the many places the government simply doesn't belong, but I will refrain from getting on that soapbox.

    When a person is ready to get married then it can be very special, but in your case I can see that you are no where near ready.

    Good luck

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