
What is so special about the grow lights light that makes things grow better?

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What is so special about the grow lights light that makes things grow better?




  1. They only make things grow better if they are providing light that we cannot provide naturally. They deliver the spectrum that the plants need in order for them to flourish. It allows those of us with limited light access to have an indoor garden.

  2. What's so special...the price. As an Advanced Master Gardener, we have studied the effects of the use of the so-called 'Gro Lights' and good old shop lights with the basic florescent bulbs and have found that they both produce the same results. Go to your local home center and purchase a 4 foot shop light. You will get great results with the regular bulbs. You'll get  a little better result if you use 1 cool white and 1 warm light bulb in the fixture. It will depend on what you want to grow under them. For flowers, you'll need the cool/warm set-up as each bulb emits different 'color ranges' of light necessary for different plant processes. This set-up has worked wonders for us when we start our seeds for transplants in the winter for many, many years now. About 10 years ago I purchased 2 florescent 4 foot lights for my shop light at a cost of $10 bucks each.  Regular tubes only cost $1 then. The expensive ones worked no better than the regular ones and they only lasted for 3 seed starting seasons.  No bargin there!

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