
What is so special about this Earnhardt guy?

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What has he done that makes everyone drool over him?

Dont bash it just give me the straight up answer I dont see what makes him so crazy good




  1. When you have one of the better records in NASCAR driving, what is not to like?  Why don't you think he deserves the recognition ? List your reasons and we might agree with you. Then again, we may not!!

  2. His daddy makes him famous

    You notice hes doing so much better away from his step mommy

  3. you're the one obsessed with him, why don't you tell us what's so special about him? i think you have some kind of g*y crush on him, and you lash out in anger because you know you can never have him. feel free to report me if i'm hitting too close to home

  4. I can sum all of it up in just 2 words. "HIS NAME."

  5. I don't drool on him, I just cheer for him. Why, because he is fun to watch, especially now he is at Hendrick.

  6. He was BORN TO RACE,  get over it dude.

  7. Just take a look at this forum.  There are literally 100's of questions about him.  Y'all can't stand the dude but you are making him the topic of every question.   So apparently you all love him & I want to say thanks for keeping Junior in all your thoughts.  It means the world to me.  XOXO

  8. He is 2nd in points. I believe that makes him a good driver.

  9. #1 because of his father but beyond that he IS a very good driver. he has 18 wins and he won 6 races (forget which year) in one season.................You don't win 6 races in one season and not be good at this. He is also very personable. Not the most charasmatic but he is just a likeable personality.

  10. His father was Dale Earnharhdt which was one of the best nascar drivers in history

  11. Absolutely nothing makes him so crazy good. The truth of the matter is...he is a decent driver in one of the best racecars on the track. He is so huge because he is an Earnhardt.. He raced side by side with his dad. People have a strong connection with him because of the tragedy that he experienced... We all experienced it with him.. Now our sport is missing its Micheal Jordan... Most of us loved Dale Sr. and I guess we want Dale Jr. to be just as sucessful as his dad...  I see that he is not but some people still have hope... I dont believe that he has the killer instinct that his dad had... unfortunately.... : (

  12. because he's dale earnhardt sr.'s son. he is really nothing special. i believe kyle busch has WAY more talent then him.

  13. He's a winner!

    if your not 1st, your last!


  15. Because he is a great guy, very humble, has talent, He apologizes when he makes some mistakes, etc.etc. He is second in points, I think that says he is a good driver.

    Go Dale Jr.!!!!


  16. Dale jr is a good old boy, he respects other drivers out on the track and never uses his car to wreck other cars,or to almost hurt other peoples pit crew. you never see him bad mouth someone else on camera.behind the trailer door it may be a different story but on camera he always has a composure

    even when he gets wrecked. he even told his fans when and if he gets wrecked and that same driver goes on to win that race dont throw anything at them. if you must use toilet paper not beer cans and alot of people listened to him and they did and nobody got hurt.

    the other reasons are he owns a production company and has a bar.he is very successful as being a racer and owning a bar and a production company that tells you he is very good at business.

    Granted that he is the son of dale sr but not all of sr fans liked him at first they watched to see if was a good as his father and he proved to them that he was and then they picked him. though some fans of sr went to become fans of other drivers not all jr fans were sr fans some came into the sport and picked him as their driver and still are his fans. so a little more than have of sr fans fans came over not all choose that path they have picked other drivers as their own and may not like how can we say all sr fans came over? i know one who now likes stewart and occasionally will root for him but not as much as stewart.

    IF  he was a bad driver as you say he is do you think he would have as MUCH fans as he has now? no but he is very good at racing and that is why he earned a lot of fans and they respect him. HE also makes very good commercials and funny ones too. That makes a very good driver to that and act like its nothing

    oh and to not wreck people as other drivers do to others and is able alot of times to miss wrecks i believe that is talent. i dont think it was because of his father i think you have to love a sport as much as stewart to really put your heart into racing. he has a lot of heart that he did not because of his dad but for himself. Yes he is the one to say that he is sorry and blames himself when he wrecks and takes someone out of the race you can see he gets very upset and you can see it in his hands. that is another reason that makes him so good and he admits when he makes mistakes

    i like him and stewart and i am not going to bad mouth them i sometimes dont agree with them and i know they make mistakes but i am a fan i like them alot but i have different opinions about about them i dont think they are perfect but i think that they are great nascar drivers who would not say that about their driver, like gordon or kyle(really dont like them) but yet i hear from people they are the best drivers in the world. so what makes them good? i dont know like you dont about jr.

    EDIT: ok heres a question for you guys? you guys say that you dont know what makes him so special and why he has so many fans well some fans want to know what makes jeff gordon, jimmie johnson, the busch brothers and who ever else you may mention so special ??? why i dont see it and some others dont?  

    So why keep asking you wont know just like the people think about the other drivers they dont like

    ANOTHER QUESTION:  wouldn't YOU say that about your driver i know everyone says their driver is the best we have opinions but i guess some people have not learned. so why ask if you know the answer  you are going to get.

    i dont say that he is perfect or stewart is but they have admitted they were sorry if they did anything wrong. i dont worship the ground they walk upon.JUST because i happen to like them and be their fan does not mean that i am a crazy pyscho and bash other people who dont like them. you asked why and i told you.if they were as bad as everyone made them out to be do you think for a minute that stewart or jr or any driver would have fans they would be kicked out of nascar for some of the things  you think they do but they dont.

    so think about your driver and what would you tell other people about them who have not watched nascar you would say that the one you like is the best and he has a lot of talent.

    so because i am fans of the ones you dont like dont deny me or think that i am like them.

    DONT judge a book by a cover so dont be so quick to judge me or them. you dont know what their like or their fans. i did not judge anyone.


  17. Something must be special about him for you to despise him so much and annoyingly ask so many questions about him...

  18. Dale Jr. is a down home, honest guy who is humble.  He is the first to admit when he makes a mistake and apologize for it.   During one of his interviews they showed him going through the drive through at Taco Bell.  He is a regular guy doing something good with his life.

  19. He can thank his daddy.  Dale Sr. never wanted him to race anyways because he's slow witted.

  20. I'm not one to usually complain, but I'm so tired of hearing about his "southern charm" and how he's so "humble" and that's why people like him.  You could say the same thing about Bobby Labonte, Jeff Burton and others and no ones so obsessed with them (except for me with Bobby!).  Or they say he's a good driver.  So is Matt Kenseth, so is Denny Hamlin, yet again, no one obsessed.  My mom loves Earnhardt Jr. and the reason she started liking him is because when Sr. died, she immediately had to find someone else to root for each week.  It was kind of a no brainer and she didn't make excuses for herself.  She likes him because of his dad, plain and simple.

  21. I think he has talent, just not nearly as much as ppl give him credit for...

  22. The only questions I have seen today are bashing ones. I think it is so ironic that people like you, and a few others on here say how they are sick of his fans talking about him all the time or drooling over him etc. Yet, the bashers are the ones who constantly bring him up. Of course his fans are going to defend him.

    You and a few others are so freaking obsessed by him it is pathetic!

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