
What is so unique about you?

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What is so unique about you?




  1. i observe my surroundings WAAAY too much to the point where my mind starts making me think I'm hearing something but I'm really not. It's weird but it's something unique about me..........I guess................

  2. The way I roll.  And my avatar.

  3. You will never find someone like me.

  4. Mold was broken after birth.

  5. I am only the second person to have done a study on the bad effects of mandatory auto insurance on the poor.  The first study was done by Robert Maril (dept head of Sociology at Eastern Carolina University).  His study showed that 44% of the respondents could not buy food or pay their rent due to mandatory auto insurance.  Type the following into the yahoo search engine "The Impact of Mandatory Auto Insurance Upon Low Income Americans"

    My study (done by the Montana DPHHS) showed that 12 of the 96 food stamp applicants said auto insurance was a reason for needing food stamps - survey done in Billings, MT

  6. My beard.  I've had it since 1972 (except for 1985 when the U..S Navy outlawed beards...started to grow it back when I retired that November).  I was in Antarctica 1972 -73.  Two years ago, I was on the Naval Air Station base in the barber shop and a guy I was stationed with/worked with in Antarctica walked up to me and called me by name.  He recognized me because of my beard.  I had no idea who he was until he told me his name.   He had slimmed WAY down.

  7. my fingerprints. ps the question should be "what makes you unique?" :)

  8. I have crooked pinkies and i had trigger thumb!!

  9. I see things differently.

  10. being you and being me is actually unique!

    imagine, of the millions of sperm cells, you were the fastest you manage to fertilize the egg! you were able to survive miscarriage! and yes, you were born!

    of all the chances that might have been, Newton, Einstein, Lincoln, but the baby was you!

    have a nice day! ^_^

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