
What is so wrong about vanity?

by Guest65191  |  earlier

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it is stigmatised and i dont know why. what is wrong with being proud of the way you look and wanting look at your best?

it seems to me that the people who dislike vanity so much are the ones who are the least attractive. that suggests jealousy might be some part of it.

what is your take on it?




  1. if you think about it, vanity is the superlative of being proud of how you's okay to be proud of your looks and try to look your best,as long as you don't go overboard, but if you're vain ,then that would make you proud as well as snobbish, heartless,cold and bitchy.  

  2. I agree that taking care of yourself and looking your best is important - however, caring about that more than the person in the inside is the downside of vanity. "Don't judge a book by it's cover".  

  3. There's nothing wrong with trying to look your best, nothing at all. But caring about it too much may make a person become selfish and act stuck up, and  become too obsessed with their appearance. People who care too much about their looks lose self respect, and the respect of those around them.  It's too bad there is so much pressure to look perfect. Many of the ones who dislike vanity are people who used to be obsessed with it and want people to understand that it isn't the most important thing.  People who aren't the greatest looking and dislike vanity were probably made fun of or hurt because of their looks, and yes, some are jealous. And people who bash others who look better than them are also in the wrong right along with the people who made fun of them. Just remember: you can take care in your appearance, but don't let it rule you as a person. People should like you for the person you are inside, not because of your jean size. Best of luck to you!

  4. Liking yourself, wanting to look your best and all that is a good thing.  Vanity, though, is taking those things to excess.  You're talking about self respect, self confindence, and self worth and those are very good things to have.  It's when you take these things TO FAR that it crosses into the definition of 'vanity' and it becomes a bad thing.

  5. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look your best, I agree... People who throw the word vanity around often are jealous or insecure.

    There are, however, people who take it to TOO high of an extreme... If you're is spending hours a day you could be on looking your best when you could be doing something productive, you might one to check over your priorities. If you're constantly checking your appearance, people (especially dates!) may feel you're too caught up with your own appearance to pay them any attention- also makes them seem insecure about their appearance and uptight as well. If you're judging everyone else solely by their looks, that's just horrible, especially since some things are just genetic and can't be controlled. People like this warrant a very appropriate use of the word 'vain'.

    Otherwise, yeah, they may just be jealous.

  6. Vanity implies an over emphasis on superficial appearance.  For most people the things that really matter in life go a bit below the surface.  So I think vanity suggests a lack of depth.  Nothing wrong with having some pride in yourself, but that shouldn't be limited to the way you look.

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