
What is so wrong with Breaking Dawn?

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Why don't people like it?

Is it because the point of view changes from Bella, to Jacob, to Bella again?

I mean i don't understand.




  1. i absolutely LOVE BD and i too dont see why other people dont like it. if they were true Twilight fans they would like it no matter what cause of the characters and they writing style, nothing canged except the plot but i still think it ROCKED and i dont understand either, this is a confusing world we live in

  2. Book one, i liked it up until after the wedding, i found it boring and kind of annoying but i still enjoyed it. It was okai i suppose. Book one kind of dragged on. Since there was so many Spoilers before Breaking Dawn came out, i already knew Bella would get pregnant. I still had hope that the spoilers would be proven wrong but they were right. I was disappointed but i didn't mind her getting pregnant. Its just didn't feel like Bella!

    Book two, i really enjoyed. Jacob was just plain funny, but it was sad to see how much pain his in cos of Bella so i was kind of pissed off and started hating her. I Started to like Leah since she shouted at Bella, that was funny. I was hoping Jacob and Leah would somehow imprint on each other, even if i new it was impossible. And i was hoping he would imprint on that Lizzy?? *forgot the name* girl to make Bella jealous, but he didn't..! grr! lol I Was soo annoyed when he imprinted on Bella's baby but at least that meant his over Bella..

    Book three was okay, i hated the fact that It was soo long and kind of boring. The ending was a disappointment since there was no fight but i liked how they were all a family.. =]

    Overall, i Hated and Loved it =D


  3. nothings wrong with it :)

  4. I enjoyed the book, but found it predictable. Many people don't like Jacob Black(Team Edward) so they did not like reading from his point of view. I found the change in perspective necessary in order to show what was happening with in the pack while Bella is not able to visit La Push.  It also allows the story to continue with out showing the weeks of Bella's pain.  

  5. The whole baby thing was ridiculous. It ran contrary to all previously-accepted mandates about vampires - they cannot have children and are filled only with venom, not - uh- yeah, fill in the blank. It took away the sacrifice Bella was making to be with the one she loved, which was part of the lesson in the otherwise morally void novels. Everyone acted out of character. There was no climax. Alice and Jasper disappeared. It was s*x, a baby and more s*x. The violent birth scene was totally unnecessary. Everything was just too much, too much, to gross, too much. They're fantasy teen novels. If we wanted to hear about tampons and childbirth, we'd pick an adult nonfiction novel.

    I hated the book, and I was an embarassingly enthusiastic Twilighter prior to Aug 2. The only redeeming quality was Jacob's book - he's an absolute riot. To me the series ends with Eclipse.

    Thumbs-down me if you want, that's just my opinion. I liked the other three.

  6. if you asked me i absolutely loved it. the baby thing was a little weird, and it made me really mad how Jacob imprinted on Reneesme, but otherwise i really liked it.  

  7. i loved it. i just have issues with it.

    1. Jacob imprinting on Nessie? Weird. It's just... weird. It's no biggie, and kinda sweet, but just a little weird.

    2. She sets us up for this HUGE battle thing, then "whoah! never mind! no more battle!"  That was REALLY annoying

    3. No one died. Irina doesn't count. Stephanie Meyer seriously needed to kill somebody off. Something to make me sob and throw a pillow or something.

    4. The ending was sooo d**n happy it made me go into a hysterical rant to my dad, who has noo idea what twilight is. I mean, it just... ended. Like, 'whoo! happiness! okay, series OVER.'

    It made me angryyyy.

    But, that aside, it was a great book. I really loved the pregnancy thing! Emmet's jokes made me giggle. The promise ring made me fall over laughing, in a good way. Rosalie and Emmet breaking down houses made me laugh harder.

    The whole family and love theme was great. The packs splitting into two was interesting. The birth scene was well written, and the  graphicness was whatever. It was a good book, and a wonderful series.

  8. Katy--

    It is okay that you don't like the book; you are entitled to your opinion. You should, however, get the story straight before you tell people why it was bad.

    A succubus is a FEMALE demon that seduces men and sleeps with them.  An INCUBUS is the male equivalent, which is what I am imagining you are referring to.  However, Edward is not an incubus.  He is a vampire.  Bella was impregnated through his venom (something that they did not know could happen, because human vampire relations don't usually happen).  If you are actually calling Renesmee the succubus, then the term you are actually looking for is CAMBION-which, while it still does not actually fit, is closer than the allegations that you made.

    Like I said: have your opinion, but learn what you are talking about before you explain what was so bad about it.

  9. I don't know. I liked it. I especially liked how the details from all the books came together and played important roles perfectly, for a perfect ending.

  10. No it's because Meyer seems to just throw so many things in at the last minute in order to "save" the series. It seems that way to me. You know NOTHING of a "succubus" baby until this book. So it's like it was just thrown in there. Bella, Edward, and Jacob all seem to have personality changes, especially by the last book (book 3 Bella). The last few chapters with the "Volturi" scenes were a complete waste and utterly boring. The last book just didn't add up to the rest of the series, in my opinion. It seemed like a totally different book. It just didn't flow right and there were too many cheesy things that kept occuring. It was too long when it shouldn't have been. I felt like Meyer just drew it out to make it long and "worth" the price and wait.  

  11. Nothing is wrong with breaking dawn. I've read the series and it's practically my fav. Some people just don't understand because they have no passion for reading.

  12. What I don't like about it: the cop out of Jacob imprinting on A BABY, which will be 'mature' in seven years. This is pedophilia, and disturbing beyond that. The birth scene, the un-climax with the volturi, the way the story just seems to drag on and on and on, and of course how Bella as the mary sue character easily manages to be the first vampire to be able to control her blood lust.  

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