
What is so wrong with learning guitar on your own?

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I have seen a lot of posts that are against learning guitar from books or lessons online. I have been playing for about 5 years and can play along with most anything people play, I was self taught minus about a month of formal training. I think if you have the desire and work ethic, there is nothing wrong with this. Learning from a teacher is great, but only to learn the basics. A single teacher will teach you their style of playing and licks and you can get caught up in that trend. Once you learn scales, chords, etc it will be up to you to progress. Learning to read music is a great thing also if you want to see a piece of music and being playing it. But learning to read music is also something that can be learned on your own. Anyone have any feelings about this?




  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with learning to play a musical instrument (in this case the guitar) on your own.

    In fact learning on your own could result in a better "student" since it takes discipline along with the desire to learn any skill.

    I am a student of the guitar and since I knew how to read music before I started learning by myself( 2. 1/2 yrs ago)

    I have reach a level of "advance beginner" or "beginner-intermediate". At this point I feel I have reached the "saturation" point where in order to progress I do need

    the tutoring of a "qualified" guitar teacher.

    I registered in a group class for classical guitar with a teacher that only plays (and records) classical guitar music.

    This class was for "beginners in classical guitar". After the

    first session the teacher ask me along with two other students to come to his "intermediate classical guitar" group

    as he felt we are "ready" to move into that level of training.

    In that class (now five sessions old) he have corrected some

    minor adjustments (guitar placement in sitting position) and

    suggesting various fingering positions for the same passage

    in the music. This is where you know you are getting the benefit of a tutor.

    Another point from my experience : I have several guitar player friends and they tell me that here in California many

    so called "guitar teachers" do not know how to read the written music unless they have TABS.  That goes to show

    that when seeking a teacher check his/her qualifications.

    Some teachers cannot go beyond chords.  

    Likewise if you are into "folk" or "blues" or "rock" then look for

    a teacher that is a performer in that style of music. Don't expect a teacher that teaches "all styles" to be as efficent

    as the one who continuosly play that style of guitar music.

    - Is like choosing a Doctor - You don't go to a heart specialist

    when you need an Orthopedic specialist - yet they are both MD's.

    I am with you. If you must pay good $ for lessons be sure that

    you are getting the correct instructor. By having Excellent guitar instructional books available for your use then you often can tell if a teacher is the right teacher for YOU.

    Have fun with the guitar

  2. Nothing is wrong with it as long as you continue to learn, and correct any mistakes.

  3. There is an old expression, better than a thousand days of diligent study is a single day with a great teacher.  This is especially true of learning to play an instrument.  While it's true that some of the great guitarists learned to play on their own, it would be have been much easier for them, and quicker for them, if they had just spent a short time with an experienced teacher.

  4. Hummm... so you "can play along with most anything people can play" huh?  I'd would REALLY like to challenge you on that.

  5. Teaching yourself is not a problem. i did it myself.  I think the fact the that other questions posed about that came from people who know nothing about guitars or music.  If they are asking what a pick is or how to read tab, then they have demonstrated that they can not learn on their own and professional instruction is in order.

  6. I took lessons just so I could learn basics, like a few chords and such, but I teach myself now. I think lessons are a waste of money and time. I used free online lessons to learn a lot of stuff. I already knew a lot about music in general, because I play the flute and piano too, so it wasn't really that hard when it comes to rythyms and beats. I advise against instrucors, really.

  7. The problem with learning anything on your own is that you might develop bad habits that are hard to get rid of. Plus, you might practice only the easy stuff. And sometimes, there are things that you aren't aware that you'll need to know. And sometimes, if you do something wrong, you can physically harm yourself. They can show you how to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, for example.

  8. Teaching yourself is great because then you can develop your own style and sound. Formal training is also good to learn basics but I wouldn't take lessons for more than a year.

  9. whats wrong with learning from books?   instructors cost more, some folks can't afford that.   I was taught by a friend, just for fun, so it was free.   And it was easy, cause i just naturally took to playing the bass, and we could rock out to our favorite Greenday and Sloppy-Meat-Eaters, ect.    And even entertain friends!    I never have learned to read music well.   I know a few scales, but mostly I play by ear.    My point is, (after all that bird walking) there is not a thing wrong with learning guitar on your own.   The means are not always so important as the ends.   When you rock, you rock!    I can't read music, but I sure do rock out in the band!!!    what would those snobs say about that!   haha :)

    I have to admit, the above comments make good points.   A little time with an instructor, which you say you had, is probably necessary to avoid bad habits that you might accidentally develop without an experienced person guiding you.   But you can still do much of the learning on your own, as you said with proper work ethic and desire :)

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