
What is so wrong with sayin glazed donut?

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my son recently got expelled for using the term glazed donut what is so bad about a glazed donut??




  1. Ask your son how he was using the term "glazed donut" and whom he was saying it too...

  2. Well, if he went to the lunchroom for breakfast and said "hi, I'd like a glazed donut and a milk please', then nothing, but if he used it in terms related to something nasty, like most pre-teen and teen boys, referring the glaze to s***n and the donut to a body cavity, then that's why. Expulsion might have been a little much though, unless it's not his first warning.

  3. Well it may have been the way he used it, but I am with you you should go into the Principal's office and say "WHAT THE CHOCOLATE CAKE?"

  4. hmm i dunno i havent heard it before unless he was calling someone fat ?

  5. The after effects of eating your girls p***y. The wet, sticky sauce that is left shimmerring on your face after cunnilingis.

    God d**n, where's my sunglasses? Your face is so shiny, you must have been eatin' p***y for a week solid !  

  6. glaze d nut idk???

  7. I don't see anything wrong with saying glazed donut. Did he use the term metaphorically?

  8. well did you asked the school what exactly did he say,maybe the were some explicit words before you ended it with glazed donuts EX: I want to F-Ck a glazed donuts you know something like that.How can you as a mom not know what he was expelled for,what did they tell you he said,have you had a talk with your child.If you feel he is innocent you need to take a trip to the board if that fails it's lawyer time.

  9. Never heard of anything bad about glazed donuts. Could be the context in which he used it, or that he's not telling you the whole story...  

  10. look it up on urban dictionary, maybe sexual meaning? Click to look at meaning... Its quite nasty

  11. Glaze refers to the fluid left by a female after having s*x.  In reference to a donut, the glaze left on ones face by a donut looks like the glaze left by a female on a males mouth after oral s*x.

    Nothing gang, it's s*x.  He may not have meant anything sexual, but the school took it that way.

  12. he must have done worst stuff to get expelled for saying that cause you can get expelled for just saying that either he did things previous before it or the same day and that is probably nasty slang dirty boys use

    edit: its anal s*x term nasty nasty kid you got

    look it up on urban dictionary

  13. It's just bad.

  14. you should call your school and tell them off.

    I dont think thats what he was expelled for unless he was using it in a derogatory or sexually explicit way...

    For example..."that girls a$$ is like a glazed donut I want to take a bite out of".... would be innapproriate for school. Other than that glazed donuts are amazing.

  15. nothing, unless they took it as an innuendo reference or something

    depends on how he said it ;)

  16. i'm quite sure that wasn't all that was said. tell your son to tell the truth and tell you ALL of what happened this way you can defend him better. then if in truth all that was being discussed was breakfast then call your laywer.

  17. i dunno

    answer mine;...

  18. Hmmmm...never heard of that term before. Possibly to do with ejaculation but who knows. Schools have the lamest excuses these days!

  19. check it out on Urban Dictionary dot com

  20. It could have been the context.  There are so many "other" meanings to words and phrases...

  21. ummm... i have no clue... sorry

  22. ha! i love how this is in cooking  catagore!

    he probs used it in the context that was like "i glazed her doughnut!"

    as in her v****a was a doughnut ie. has hole

    and the "glaze" was sperm or ***.

  23. Must be a new slang term.

  24. You need to ask the school more about the incident. There is something your son is not telling you.

  25. They may think it's gang related.

  26. Ask you son what his meaning is.  It is a slang.  Tell him to be honest.

  27. it is maybe the v****a....:s

  28. Maybe he called someone a glazed donut.  I would call and find out if it were my son.

  29. Hmmm, depends on the context....i guess.

    He might have used it in an offensive sexual way.....

    Or you kid's school might just be ridiculous.

    I'm a resource officer at a high school here, and that just doesn't seem that bad.

    I deal with worse on a daily basis.

    Besides, didn't school JUSTstart?

    I'd look into it.

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