
What is social microsystem? What is it's relation with education system?

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What is social microsystem? What is it's relation with education system?




  1. Moral values are the fundamental factors of  the micro system

    of a society ; Having the macro values of life.If it goes up, life

    will in peace and vies a verse.The education Brings the moral

    values only with little effect

  2. I don't think I really know the answer to this quesion but I lived in a commune which I imagine could be  called a social microsystem. We lived in a group according to our own rules - that there were no rules save what we instigated.

    We had our collective children out of school being de-schooled and free- schooled. We were approved by the local council authorities as we had three ex- teachers and our teaching  standard was good. Some of our children elected to go to state school but because of their experience were more empowered within the larger system - Later one of them came back to us as he thought he wasn't being taught enough to prepare him for secondary school.

  3. its a sensible part of society which enable us to overcome the sensitive excuses of the society with the marginal gain on typical idols through education. education enhances the healthy debate over the typical idol of society.

  4. Microsociology is one of the main branches of sociology (contrast with macrosociology and mesosociology) which concerns itself with the nature of everyday human social interactions on a small scale. At the micro level, social statuses and social roles are the most important components of social structure. It is usually based on observation rather than statistics. It is based on the philosophy of phenomenology and includes symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology. Ethnomethodology in particular has led to such academic sub-divisions and studies as micro-linguistical research and other aspects of human social behaviour. It was conceived by Harold Garfinkel (and later expanded upon by others) to enquire into the methods people use to make sense of their social world. It also provided an extra dimension between the studies of social psychology and sociology - focusing more on individual interaction and thinking within groups, rather than just large social group/societal behaviour. It has become important in many fields of study, including modern Psychosocial Studies; Conversational Analysis and Human Computer Interaction.

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