
What is social mobilization?why it is important?

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what do you mean by the elements and processes of socia mobilization?




  1. Social mobilization can be physical like the auto workers who moved from the South to get to Detroit and retirees who move from Detroit to Florida.

    It can also be the number of Americans in 1941 who joined the Armed Forces to fight World War 2.

    It can also be a psychological element where people are willing to take risks with their jobs to be upwardly mobile.  Maybe you have a factory job, but you have an idea of a new auto part that you want to build and produce.  You quit the security of your job and paycheck to take a chance to make millions.

    THis can work the other way when rich people die and their sons and daughters spend all the inheritance money.  Once it's gone, they can't get it back.  And they don't have the skills of the parents so they move lower on the social ladder.

  2. For me it is a campaign of Human Development but one step further may reveal the following:

    Mass mobilization (also known as social mobilization or popular mobilization) refers to mobilization of civilian population as part of contentious politics. Mass mobilization can be used by social movements, including revolutionary movements, but also by the state itself. Mass mobilization commonly manifests itself in the form of large public gatherings such as mass meetings, parades or demonstrations which usually serve as a form of protest action.

    Traditional mass mobilization occurs within local communities to which individuals have long-standing commitments, such as peasant villages or urban craft guilds. News of political change are common triggers for such mass moblization, which aim is to call attention to economic distressess of the community. Peasant rebellions are an example of such an occurrence.

    Informal mass mobilization occurs when individuals’ decisions to engage in protest actions are made through loosely connected networks based on personal friendship, shared workplace, or neighborhood. Increasingly modern technology, such as mobile phones or the Internet, is used to generate informal mass mobilization. This generally occurs in response to a crisis; neighborhoods or friends then mobilize themselves to take unconventional actions. Demonstrations such as the Monday demonstrations in GDR or those during Iranian revolution are examples.

    The extent to which mass mobilization is organized versus spontaneous, and the extent to which it relies on reason versus emotions are still debated by scholars.

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