
What is socialism???

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How does it work, which countries have socialist societies? What are the positives and negatives to this type of governmental structure?




  1. Socialism is a type of government in which the government provides most of the day to day needs of its citizens to the people. Free enterprise (Capitalism - USA) is not followed. Negatives - much higher taxes, lack of choice, lack of individual motivation / accomplishment.

    Positives- entitlement programs. Most needs are provided to the people - they don't have to try to strive to excel because their needs are given to them.

    I have travelled quite a bit in Europe. Most of the countries have a socialist system. I've asked the locals about the system and here are a few of the highlights:

    -Federal tax rate of approx 50%

    -National average salaries for the non-professional (Drs, lawyers, etc)

    -Sales tax rates starting around 20%

    -Health care, school, retirement provided by government

    -As one man mentioned, there wasn't a whole lot of incentive to excel as the guy next to you was going to make the same approx salary

    *A big negative - This type of system encourages Big Government with the associated need for huge amount of tax dollars. The problem, as we are seeing in France, is the governments can't generate enough tax dollars to keep the social programs going. Most financial advisors will tell you its just a matter of time ( not to far off) when many of the European countries are going to be in very serious condition.

  2. Socialism is forcing people who work hard to support those who won't work.

    It's practiced in most European countries and is being abandoned worldwide.

    Socialism destroys personal motivation.

  3. Socialism was put in place to keep the whole of Europe from becoming communist It kind of worked

    Positive you get to tell rhe yanks ''we have free heath care''

    Negative you believe it really is free

  4. take from the rich and give to the poor.  So a doctor would end up making the same amount per year as a gas station attendant.

  5. There are no socialist countries in Europe, they're all capitalist and trade in the "Free" market. Just because some have some social conscience and provide free health care, education etc doesn't make them socialist, just a bit better than the "every man for himself!" attitude of the others..


  6. A socialist is someone who has no money, and wants to share it with everyone else.

  7. flawed
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