
What is society's greatest barrier to peace?

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What is the greatest obstacle to achieving peace?




  1. Society.

  2. money and the want for power

  3. Personal desires. People always consider their own selfish thoughts and desires, as opposed to the greater good. For example, the war in the Middle East can't be settled because both sides are not willing to risk any compromises with the other.

    One can even argue that the intolerance and indifference of groups against certain issues are the cause. Just the fact that people don't care enough about our society, acts as a barrier to progression.  

  4. It is an interesting and good question. Because, these days many people have a feeling that they are not peaceful.

    Following are the major reasons for not achieving peace:-

    (1) It is egoism or pride;

    (2) Selfishness and greed;

    (3) Lust and anger;

    (4) Ignorance.

    (5) Lack of noble aim and enthusiasm.

  5. Opinions, backed up by the power and will to follow them through.  There are, have always been and will always be important issues that affect the masses, in which a select few (leaders) have to make decisions based on what they feel (hence opinion) is in the best interest of the majority.  Just look at Roe Vs. Wade, for example.  Some side with pro choice, some with pro life.  What or who is right or wrong?  There are many conflicting opinions in regards to issues that surround ones freedoms, lifestyles, religions, beliefs, etc. People tend to fight for what they believe in.  

  6. 5O% of humanity(women) is not operating equally on all aspect of society

  7. Arrogance IS the root of all evil.

  8. Selfishness. Deep desires for power, wealth, and personal gain corrupt civilization.

  9. Human greed and pride .

  10. I know most people said money and all that which is true but I just think misunderstandings of where everyones coming from, culture misunderstanding because that leads to misinterpretations and all that which is a total mess, then at that point money and all that usually gets involved.

  11. Apathy. Seeing distance as distinct separation and difference. The ability to say : that is happening "there" and has no effect on me "here" and thus I don't really care/I am powerless to have an influence on the outcome. The failure to recognize our own personal power.

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