
What is solving algebraic equations using drawing?

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My son's teacher took 20 points off his paper because she said he did not follow directions. The directions said for him to solve the equations using "drawing". He thought he was suppose to do something like +++++ and - - - -. This is greek to me. We always used a number line. All his answers were correct. She took the 20 points because he didn't write out n and p for negative and positive taking his grade from a B to a D. I looked all over the web to see if this was even a thing and I can't find it. Does anybody have a clue?




  1. Are these inequalities you are talking about?  I would love to help but it would be easier if you gave the question. I have an idea of what you are getting at but cannot help without a little bit more information.

  2. That is so not fair!!! he should have a chance to retake it because he didn't understand the directions. it's also dumb that he's getting 20 points off for not spelling out the word. 1 point for each time you don't spell out a word is what my teacher used to do, not 20!!! march up to that school and talk to the teacher or the principal. no student should drop 2 letter grades over one assignment like that, and just because they didn't understand the directions. That's really unfair.

    Please email me a and tell me how this turns out please, I feel sorry for your son...

  3. I would have thought that a number line would have been sufficient.  I think you should talk to the teacher so that you and your son fully understand what the teacher wants.  It sounds to me like the teacher is just being picky.  I definitely think you should talk to the teacher.

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