
What is some fun stuff i can do with my bunny?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I have a mini rex. she is almost a year. She loves hopping around but i want to do some fun stuff with her besides watching her hop, like maybe a game or something like that. Any ideas?




  1. well i Had fun times teaching my rabbit to jump threw a hoop

  2. Eat her!

    (just joking!)

  3. play

  4. try to see if she will follow something like a ribbon sometimes they enjoy chasing things but never chase your rabbit b/c the are prey animals

  5. Have you ever tried clicker training? I have used it successfully with numerous species of animals (including dolphins, green sea turtles and caimen) and I have started training my rabbit. He can now hop over bars, come when called, sit and shake a paw, it's great and rewarding for the both of you. There is a book on Karen Pryor's website written strictly about Clicker Training with rabbits. Try

    I'm sure that alot of people think that only certain animals can be trained, and rabbit aren't one of them, but I suggest that you try it and see how impressed your friends and family will be!

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