
What is some good alcohol in Europe that you can't get in the USA?

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I want to backpack around Europe for a bit after high school, I was wondering what kind of items(namely, Alcohol, souvenirs, etc.) should I get? Mainly things unique to Europe.




  1. rakia - croatia, bulgaria, serbia

    ouzu - greece

    real vodka - russia and poland

    absinthe - czech and uk

  2. Stroh Rum - Austria

    Sauern Mit Persico - Germany

    Many, Many of the small town breweries - Germany\

  3. You DO realize that you are only allowed to bring back two bottles of alcohol, and that you are not allowed to ship alcohol, and it is MASSIVELY illegal to MAIL alcohol.  And I´m not even sure that you can bring in ONE bottle if you are under the age of 21.  (as the drinking age in the US is 21).   And, while you can get absynthe...(in the UK?  Really?  I didn't know it was legal there, but I think it is in France, as well) I don't think you are allowed to bring THAT in, either.  You need to check that out thoroughly before you make those decisions.

    Unfortunately, I found on my last trip, that it is increasingly difficult to find ANYTHING in Europe, that you can't find in the US.  The souvenirs are so often made in China, and the same things that you can find here, that it's really difficult to find much that isTRULY unique.  (which actually makes your alcohol idea a good one, on the surface)

    Also, since you don't give any specific location, it really depends.  fYou want to go with hand crafted souvenirs.  Especially things that you can SEE the craftsman working...I can't give you too much specifically, from any place but Spain, since that's where we were recently...but there are little workshops, where you can actually see, meet, and talk to the person who does the work.  In Granada, for instance, I went up the back street to the place where the taller is, to be sure I was buying inlaid wood from a craftsman.  I KNOW that the things that I bought were hand made, right there, because I watched him making them.

    In Toledo, the Damasquinado work is often just stamped on with machines in China.  I bought directly from a shop that had a guy sitting there, actually DOING the work...NOT CHEAP anymore, to get the real thing.

    In Sevilla, you can get a perfume that is just NOT available in the US, called Agua de Sevilla.  There's a perfume shop in the Plaza Nueva that carries it.  Stand in the middle of the Plaza, with the Ayuntamiento on your right, and go straight should hit it dead on.

    Fans are also a big item in Sevilla.

    Also, a lot of people are really into those flamenco dolls that are availabel all over town, but look at them closely.  They all have the same two faces:  one guy, one woman.   different sizes, different clothes, but all the same.  Been cheesey like that for ever.

    Castanets are another big item.  But most of them are cheap, and not quality at all, and have touristy paintings on them, so, I wouldn´t go with those.

    Ceramics, too, are typical of every region of Spain, and other countries as well.  Italy and Portugal have very strong reputations, as well as many of the Eastern European countries.

    In France, I´ve heard, there are places that will make up unique fragrances, just for you.  And you can buy hand made soaps around Avignon area.  

    There are also crafted foods.  Teas, jellies, and canned goods that you just can't get in the US.  Chocolates that are unusual are good, but don't go buying the fresh kind at a candy shop, unless you're coming home the next day.  They typically don't use ANY preservatives, and they won't be much good by the time you get home.

    Basically, you want to investigate what is unique to the area you are going to.  Try browsing through a couple of DK Eyewitness books for the areas you are planning to go to.  They give some good advice.  You might even want to pick up one or two.  They are excellent guides.

  4. Karhu (Finland, beer)

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