
What is some good community service projects?

by Guest57630  |  earlier

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The ASTRA officers (which includes me) all have to come up with three projects for the club to complete by the end of the semester. What is a good group community service project(s) that we could do?




  1. See if there is a grade school somewhere in your community that could use some clean up. Maybe paint over some graffiti or clean up the grounds, add some flowers or plants etc.

    If there is a Meals on Wheels in your area, organize a food drive. Coordinate with a local shelter and have a drive to collect coats and shoes for the homeless and the needy.

  2. Pick up trash on side of highway

    Weed grass out of cracks in parking lots of parks, schools, courthouse, etc

    Read to the blind

    Pack food at food bank


    EASY and rewarding!!!

  4. beautification's easy to organize and you can do lots of things like pick up trash and plant flowers/trees

    2. Day of the Child: ask the city's permission to use a park to set up a bunch of activities for children of the city to do...things like craft tables, jumpers, and win a prize type games. you can easily get buissnesses to contribute to these types of events.

    3.create a performance to entertain the residents of a retirement home. these places love it when children/teens come by to visit.

  5. ~You could sponsor a local animal shelter.  Ask for donations of bleach, newspapers, bags of cat/dog food, toys, etc.  Run the promotion for a set period of time.

    ~You could play a game of CLUE in your school.  Assign different teachers to be different characters, and the principal to be Mr. Boddy.  Give a list of clues (about the teachers looks, hobbies, etc) and charge $1.00 for each guess a student makes.  Put all the names in a jar and pick one, the winner gets to split the money with a charity of their choice.  

    ~You could do a food drive or coat drive.  Donate the food to a local food pantry and the coats to goodwill.  Goodwill has a program where if you can fill one of their trucks with coats or clothes then they give vouchers to your school.  If there are needy kids then the school can give them a voucher and they can get clothes from Goodwill.

    ~You could hold a teacher/student basketball (football, softball) game and charge admission, also sell baked goods.  Donate the money you raise to a charity that you vote on.  

    ~Hold a community talent show.  Charge a $5.00 entry price and then charge admission.  Let there be a prize for the winner.  Donate money to whatever charity/group you want.

    Good luck hope these ideas help!!!

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