
What is some great ideas of one person such as myself to start becoming a vegetarian?

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I was a heavy meat eater, and now I calmed a whole lot down and preparing for a permanent status of a vegettarian.. what do I need to do? any tips? any recommendations?




  1. call peta and they will send you a free starter kit. if you want to become a full vegetarian just slowly cut back and you'll make it!

  2. mmm Big Mac's & Buffalo Wings...

  3. Okay, here is what you do.

    1) Replace animal meats with GRAINS ANS BEANS. - this will give you bulky proteins

    2) Set a date when you want your body to make the complete change, so you can eat even less and less meat

    3) Make varity of vegetarians meal -

    4) Always remember why you doing this

    5) If you have slip up - its okay, you just continue on your path better in the future.

    BTW -

    Vegetarians do not eat fish!

    Fish are animals

    Vegetarians do not eat animals.

    You can eat fish, but please do not call yourself a vegetarian, that just causes more confusion, fo real vegetarians.

    Good luck.

  4. It is great you want to be a vegetarian.

    If you are a heavy meat eater, you might want to think how do you want to do the switch and whether your body can adapt a sudden total change.

    Do you want a direct switch or a gradual transition? You decide, you can get lots of such info from vegetarian society website like

    Just be a little prepare that you might find some changes in your body and everyone's body react differently. So reading up on this topics, would help.  I am not a big meat eater, when I did a direct switch, I lost some weight initially, but later one i gain back.

    You may even want to find out where to get mock stuff like veggie ham etc, so just in case you crave for it, you can have this substitutes.

    All the best :)

  5. you should still eat fish im a vegetarian and i do

  6. Read, read, read, read, read!  

    Know your nutrition facts, what you plan to eat, how you plan to cook it.

    Know the reasons you want to be a vegetarian (health, ethics, environment) and have that information at the ready, in case of a verbal skirmish with a meat eater.

    (In particular, have a good response to "Don't plants have feelings too?"  You can find that answer right here- just type it in the "search for questions" blank.  The question gets asked nearly every day.)

    A helpful resource:  The Vegetarian Starter Kit from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:

    Good luck, and congratulations!

  7. It sounds as if you are weaning yourself, which is a great way to start.  Google "vegetarian starter guide" and you will get a plethora of options.  If you live in North America, check out Compassion Over Killing (  Right now, they have a 30-day egg-free pledge, and if you sign up, you'll get a package in the mail that includes a vegetarian starter guide.

    Also check out the Vegetarian Resource Group ( for nutritional information so you can answer the oh-so-tired questions about where you get your protein and what about calcium.

  8. I wouldn't cut out meat entirely.  I would just cut back.  Eat more fish and pork and less chicken and beef.  I would start eating more beans and nuts too.

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