
What is some of the best financial advice you have ever received?

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What is some of the best financial advice you have ever received?




  1. If you can't payoff a car within 3 years don't buy it.

  2. Pay cash if the value of the product will go down.  For example a car, boat, or electronics.  Finance items that will go up in value.  For example, education, some property,  and possibly a small business.  Do not borrow money to buy investments such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

  3. When I was a young man the Canadian Government introduced a pension plan for all Canadians. I was participating in a company pension plan and I was going to stop contributing to company plan, thinking I did not need two plans.

    A man I respected advised me to stay in both plans, advise that enabled me to retire at age 49.


  4. Don't spend money you don't have.

  5. Before you buy anything, sleep on it. In most cases you will change your mind about buying it.

  6. If you can't pay cash for it, then you don't need it (shelter is one exception as long as it is in your price range).

  7. Live within your means. Spend less than you make.  

  8. My Economics teacher in high school once said that whenever we receive our salary from work, we should have to think our savings first before our expenses. Although it depends on our lifestyle whether we can save money or not, I found out that my teacher is right for saying that thing based on my experience.

  9. I have hundreds of friends and associates......none of the guys or girls have ever made any money on these Internet businesses......if they had they would be talking about it and I would be in on it........SCAM

  10. hello - "you can only spend a dollar once"  best advice i ever received.  

  11. talk to a financial consultant is one of them so i did at http://www.jacksfinancialconsultantlist.... and its been the best advice yet.

  12. Not to engage in impulse buying, comparison shopping, and conservatism in making investments in order to remain stable and not take excessive risks

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